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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM269  论文字数:11431,页数:16

摘   要

随着经济全球化和中国加入WTO,中国民营企业“走出去”已成为一种趋势,温州民营企业也不例外。近10年来,温州民营企业在“走出去”过程中己取得了一定的成就。本文从温州民营企业“走出去”的现状出发,结合具体企业阐述了温州民营企业设立境外营销机构,投资新建厂和兼并收购企业的状况,指出制约温州民营企业“走出去” 的宏微观方面的因素,并针对这些因素探讨了温州民营企业进一步“走出去”的策略,即:政府层面应完善企业海外投资的法律法规,加强对民营企业海外投资的政策支持,利用多边投资担保机构公约的有关条款保护我国对外投资企业的利益,建立健全民营企业海外投资保险制度,发展完善民营企业跨国经营的金融支持和金融改革,强化信息开发,引导跨国经营投向;企业层面应培育核心竞争力,明确企业的竞争战略,实行渐进式的海外扩张方式,培养国际化经营管理人员才是成功的策略。

【关键词】:温州民营企业  “走出去”  跨国经营


With the putting forward of economic globalization and China''''s entry of WTO, the ''''going global'''' of China''''s private enterprises have become a trend and Wenzhou private enterprises are no exception. During the past 10 years, Wenzhou private enterprises have reached many achievements in the path of “going global”. Starting from the current condition of Wenzhou private enterprises ''''going global'''' and taking the specific enterprises as example,This thesis expounded upon the situation that Wenzhou private enterprises face in creating marketing agency overseas, building new factories, and merging and acquiring new enterprises oversea. In view of these factors, this thesis illustrate the restricting factors in micro and macro aspects, and put forward some strategies, namely: The government should improve the enterprises overseas investment laws and regulations, strengthening the private enterprises overseas investment policies, protect of China''''s overseas investment business profit, and establish the system of private enterprises overseas investment insurance, take advantage of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of the relevant provisions of the Convention perfect private enterprises improve multinational business financial support and reform, strengthen the development of information and guide transnational business investment, the enterprises should nurture core competitive advantage, specify the strategy for the competitiveness of enterprises, effect overseas expansion gradually and nurture international operators.

【Key Words】 Private Enterprises in Wenzhou; “Going Global”; Transnational Operation

目    录

1 温州民营企业“走出去”的现状........................ 2
1.1设立境外营销机构 ...................................2
1.3兼并收购境外企业 ...................................4
2 阻碍温州民营企业“走出去”的因素分析.................4
2.1  宏观因素 .........................................4
2.2 微观因素 ..........................................7
3 温州民营企业进一步“走出去”的策略探讨 ..............10
3.1政府策略 ...........................................10
3.2企业策略......................................... ..13
参考文献 ..............................................15
致  谢 ................................................16

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