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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM087          包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8559,页数:14

摘   要


【关键词】汽车 制造业 国际竞争力



Since we have joined the WTO for 5 years, the quota on import cars has been lifted, and the duties on import cars is getting lighter. Large multilateral market group will no doubt access to the market of our country, hence internal automobile companies have to face unheard-of pressure. It is necessary to an overall judgement of the International competitive strength of our country to find out the disparity and the reasons. To gain the gains, this text has summarized the system of automotive industry competitiveness Ranking. Automotive industry competitiveness ranking of our country has been calculated with that, and with the result the text has found out the facts which have pernicious influence to our International competitive strength of the automotive industry. Consulting the experience of Japan, the text gave some advices in the end.

【Key Words】Auto mobiles; Manufacturing; International competitive strength

目   录

1  概述 ......................................................2
1.1国际竞争力的内涵 ..........................................2
1.2汽车行业国际竞争力评价指标体系 ............................2
2  我国汽车制造业国际竞争力实证分析 ..........................3
2.1我国汽车制造业国际竞争力的测算 ............................3
2.2我国汽车制造业国际竞争力指数以及由此发现的问题 ............6
3  日本汽车制造业发展经验借鉴 ................................8
3.1产业政策指导下的竞合发展模式 ..............................8
3.2丰田汽车集团的精益经营模式 ................................9
3.3层级供应链和电子采购模式 ..................................9
4  提升我国汽车制造业国际竞争力的对策和建议 ..................10
4.1从宏观层面上为汽车产业的发展营造良好的运营环境 ............10
4.2从中观层面上为汽车产业的发展营造良好的产业环境 ............11
4.3从微观层面上增强汽车企业的经营效率 ........................12
参考文献 .....................................................13
致   谢 ......................................................14

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