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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ087  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14379,页数:20

摘    要

【关键词】手机短信广告 盈利模式 法律法规 运营商


With the popularization of mobile phones, a new type of advertisement medium- -''''SMS advertisement'''' becomes eminent. Compared with traditional advertisement medium, this new medium concept has already been considered as the most prospective medium by commercial circles, proved to be of notable superiority. However, SMS advertisement development in China has become stagnant. Its main reasons includes a low acceptance of SMS advertisement, limited technological methods, lacking of relevant policies, supervision and management, illegal or inefficient application of SMS advertisement by advertisers, negative attitudes towards advertisement issuing rules by mobile service operators, etc..
In order to overcome these obstacles and to smooth the development of SMS advertisement in China, the changing of user’s attitudes is the out-breaking of the development of SMS advertisement. Then we should establish a series of profit models that suit the China national situation and its sustainable development, adopt reasonable marketing methods and reinforce the awareness of management, supervision and law and regulation. Finally, we should protect the privacy of consumers of SMS advertisement by means of technology and laws.

【keyword】SMS advertisement; Profit model; Laws and regulations; Operators



目  录

1 引言 ..........................................................2
1.1问题的提出................................................... 2
1.2文献综述 .....................................................2
1.3创新之处及不足............................................... 2
2 手机短信广告概述及市场前景分析 ................................3
2.1手机短信广告简介............................................. 3
2.2手机短信广告的发展现状 .......................................3
2.3手机短信广告的市场前景分析 ...................................5
3 手机短信广告的优势及存在的问题 ................................5
4 手机短信广告的发展策略 ........................................10
4.1改变用户态度 .................................................10
4.2建立合理的盈利模式 ...........................................11
4.3运用合理的行销方式........................................... 14
4.4增强管理、监督和法规意识 .....................................15
4.5运用技术、法律手段,保护手机短信广告消费者的隐私 .............17
参考文献 ........................................................19
致   谢 .........................................................20

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