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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM080      包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10913,页数:15

摘   要


【关键字】  信用证   软条款   出口企业


The international trade is developing unceasingly, and high science and technology gives impetus to the trade. The system of L/C must be improving day by day. To satisfy the requirements of the development of international trade, we must have a correct and unified knowledge of the soft clause.
The whole article contains three parts. The first part is the summary of  the soft clause, including the concept, characteristic and forms of expression. The second part analyzes the present situation of that our enterprises encounter the soft clause. the third part describes the measures to confront the soft clause.

【Key word】 Letter of credit ;Soft clause ;Exporting enterprise

目   录

1  概述 .....................................2
1.1信用证软条款的涵义及形成原因 .............2
1.2信用证软条款的法律性质 ...................3
1.3 信用证软条款的主要表现形式 ..............4
2  我国企业遭遇信用证软条款的现状 ...........5
2.1 我国企业遭遇信用证软条款的现实状况 ......5
2.2信用证软条款的实证分析 ...................7
3  我国出口企业应对信用证软条款的有效策略... 9
3.1 信用证应用的发展趋势 ....................9
3.2  我国出口企业应对信用证软条款的策略..... 11
参考文献 ....................................14
致谢 ........................................15

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