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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ045     论文字数:11711,页数:17

摘    要

【关键词】电子客票 分销渠道 代理商



With the popularization of the e-ticket, the airliners have developed their intentions towards direct marketing. However, single product cannot satisfy the needs of customers for the notion “Favorable Price and Excellent Service”. The shift of the BSP E-tickets and Airliners E-tickets reflects the changes between direct marketing and distribution of airliners.
The article introduces the background of the E-ticket and research and the research home and abroad. At the same time, it describes the relevant concepts about E-ticket, including the definition and function of the E-ticket, the impact on the interest of distributors and the development situation home and abroad. Then the paper analyzes the E-ticket distribution models, existing problems and their solutions. Finally, it forecasts the future development of the E-ticket marketing.

【Key Words】E-ticketing ; Distribution channels; Agent


目  录
1 引言 .......................................................2
1.1 研究的背景和意义 .........................................2
1.2 电子客票在国内外的研究现状 ...............................2
1.2.1电子客票国外研究现状 ....................................2
1.2.2电子客票国内研究现状 ....................................3
1.3 写作思路 .................................................3
1.4 写作创新及不足 ...........................................3
2  电子客票概述 ..............................................3
2.1 电子客票的定义 ...........................................3
2.2 电子客票的分类........................................... 4
2.3 电子客票销售管理功能 .....................................4
2.4 电子客票对分销渠道相关利益方的影响....................... 5
2.4.1 电子客票对旅客的影响 ...................................5
2.4.2 电子客票对航空公司的影响............................... 5
2.5 电子客票在国内外发展现状及问题 ...........................7
2.5.1 电子客票国内外发展现状 .................................7
2.5.2 电子客票发展中存在的问题 ...............................8
3 电子客票的分销渠道分析 .....................................8
3.1 间接销售模式 .............................................8
3.1.1 模式分析 ...............................................9
3.1.2 存在的问题 .............................................9
3.1.3 解决对策 ..............................................10
3.2 直销模式 .................................................11
3.2.1 模式分析 ...............................................11
3.2.2 存在的问题 .............................................12
3.2.3 解决对策 ...............................................13
4 电子客票分销渠道变化趋势分析 ...............................14
4.1 网络销售将成为电子客票销售的主要方式 .....................14
4.2 短期内传统代理商仍有其存在的必要 .........................14
4.3 长期来看传统代理商转型是必然 .............................15
5 结束语 .....................................................15
参考文献 .....................................................16
致谢 .........................................................17

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