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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM266   论文字数:5488,页数:9

摘   要


【关键词】 初级形状塑料  国际定价  进口价格  


Plastic with the synthetic resin is one of three kinds of syntheses high polymers materials. In recent years, the synthetic resin is widely utilized on information, energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, ocean exploration and even fields of cosmos and space. The synthetic resin along with steel, iron, and the lumber are four fundamental materials in the modern society. As the rapid developing of plastic processing industrial in our country, the plastic processing industrial already become one of the mainstay of light industry. However, our country plastic raw material supplies are insufficient, and our technical skills are limited. Our country must import the massive primary shapes plastic every year. This article takes the primary shape plastic as the research object, analysis international plastic price level, and put forward some related policy proposals.

【Key Words】 The Primary Shape Plastic ;International Pricing;Import Price

目    录

1  我国初级形状塑料进口现状及其需求发展趋势........................ 2
1.1 我国初级形状塑料进口现状 .......................................2
1.2 我国初级形状塑料进口需求发展趋势 ...............................2
2  影响我国初级形状塑料进口价格的国内外因素 ........................3
2.1 国际油价的持续上涨 .............................................3
2.2 世界塑料原料市场供求的影响 .....................................3
2.3 国产原料供不应求需进口 .........................................4
2.4 我国初级形状塑料国际定价权缺失 .................................4
3  我国初级形状塑料国际定价权缺失的原因 ............................4
3.1 企业自身的问题 .................................................5
3.2 国内缺乏权威的基准价格 .........................................5
3.3 商业信息不对称企业难把握市场 ...................................5
3.4 进口渠道单一 ...................................................5
4  增强我国初级形状塑料国际定价权的对策 ............................6
参  考  文  献 .....................................................8
致  谢 .............................................................9

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