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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM096        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:6993,页数:12

摘    要


【关键词】快餐业     肯德基     比较分析 


After ''''Chinese Fast food industry Development Summary'''' promulgated in September 1997, the Chinese fast food industry has developed rapidly, till 2006 the fast food industry was already a big cakes about 150 billion Yuan. The main body of Chinese fast food industry market management was still the Chinese type fast-food, namely 78.9% is the Chinese type fast-food noshery, the other 21.1% is the western-style fast-food noshery. But, this kind of huge numeral actually is by the many kinds of different industry condition forms existence. Moreover the Chinese type fast-food brand centralization degree occupies an extremely low-level, now enters the Chinese type fast-food China''''s Top 10 enterprises, only can be the regional brand. On the basis of the relevant data indicated, the western-style fast food the turnover comparatively Chinese type fast food outdoes nearly 160 times.
How to reduce Chinese and Western fast-food disparity and to develop our country local brand, This is the purpose of writing this article .The author attempts from our country fast food industry and Kentucky''''s management pattern comparative analysis angle, seeks the two has the disparity reason, discusses the countermeasure about the Chinese fast food industry development.

【Key Words】Fast food industry; Kentucky; Comparative analysis


目  录

1 前言 ...........................................2
2 我国快餐业的现状及其经营问题 ...................2
2.1我国快餐业的现状 ..............................2
2.2我国快餐业的经营问题 ..........................3
3 肯德基的经营模式及其启示....................... 4
3.1肯德基简介 ....................................4
3.2与我国快餐业相比较肯德基的经营特色 ............5
3.3肯德基经营模式给予中国快餐业的启示 ............7
4 发展我国快餐业的对策 ...........................8
4.1标准化的打造 ..................................8
4.2特许经营需谨慎................................ 9
参考文献 .........................................11
致谢 .............................................12

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