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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM092    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10401,页数:15

摘    要


【关键词】民营企业  对外贸易  问题  措施



Under the condition of economic globalization,the private enterprises play an important role in China’s national economy. Even become a mainstay in the achievement of export. However, with China’s accession to WTO, the private enterprises are facing more and more challenges in the process of development.
The thesis has three parts:
The first part introduces the current export situation and existed questions of private enterprises at present briefly.
The second part separately analyzes the reasons of problem produced from external environment and the private enterprise themselves. The external environment mainly presents as following: the narrow financial channel; the unfair tax burden; the imperfect social service system. The private enterprises mainly present the following problems: low technology content of products, little difference among products; insufficient innovation; lacking of own brand and outstanding foreign trade person, unreasonable management and so on.
The third part proposes the related measures to promote the foreign trade of   private enterprises from three aspects, which are the government, the enterprise themselves and the society. The first, the government should created the macro environment which is suitable for development of private enterprises, expand the financial channel, establish fair market environment, consummate the management system of business etc. The second, private enterprise themselves also should improve the product quality, keep product innovation; strengthen own study, make own independent brand, and use new trade methods positively as electronic commerce. Finally, the society should make social service system of private enterprise perfect; provide private enterprises with legal service, training service, information consulting service and others.

【Key Words】Private enterprise; Foreign trade; Problem; Measures

目  录
引  言 ...........................................2
1 我国民营企业对外贸易的发展概况 .................2
1.1我国民营企业对外贸易发展态势 ..................2
1.2我国民营企业对外贸易发展存在的问题 ............3
2 我国民营企业对外贸易存在问题的成因分析 .........6
2.1外部环境方面的原因 ............................6
2.2民营企业自身的原因............................ 7
3 促进我国民营企业对外贸易发展的相关措施 .........8
3.1政府方面...................................... 9
3.2企业层面 ......................................10
3.3社会层面 ......................................11
结     语 ........................................12
致   谢 ..........................................15

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