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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM283   字数:41621,页数:59

摘  要


 Agricultural products wholesale market is the center of all agricultural products circulating system. It has the functions of collecting and decentralizing of products, making a price,spreading the information,and offering services. From its 20-years development in China,agricultural products wholesale market has been the keystone of building the products wholesale market system of China and the core of agricultural products circulating system. Making a success of its construction is favourable to developing rural economy and promoting the process of agriculture industrialization,and stimulating the whole national economic growth greatly.
 On the background of market-agriculture, the internationalization and freedom of the trade of agricultural products,this dissertation studies the development mode of wholesale market for agricultural products in China,by integrating theory with case,comparison with analysis and quantity with quality. Currently,the development of the agricultural products wholesale market of China is unbalance, but its count and size has been to the maximum,and there are many problems that should be solved,such as foundation planning,management and service,legal system developments, and logistics information. It is critical for the development of the agricultural products wholesale market of China in the next 10 or 20 years. Building and developing agricultural products wholesale market are one of the strategically problems.
 In this dissertation,I summarize the situation on agricultural products wholesale market firstly, then analyze its present condition and existing problems; I also draw on some successful experience of foreign wholesale market,such as Japan,America. The keystone of this dissertation is the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter. In the fourth chapter,this dissertation dissects the modes of two successful typical representatives of wholesale market for agricultural products(ie Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Industry Group Corporation,Limited,and Shenzhen Agricultural Products Corporation,Ltd).In the fifth chapter,this dissertation approaches the overall train of thought for the innovation of the pattern of the Agricultural products wholesale market in China. In the end,this dissertation puts forward the countermeasures for the development of the Agricultural products wholesale market in China.
 Key Words:agricultural products wholesale market,development pattern, countermeasures
目  录
1  导  言 1
1.1  问题的提出 1
1.2  研究目的、意义和方法 2
1.3  国内外研究进展及动态 4
2  我国农产品批发市场发展现状分析 5
2.1  我国农产品批发市场概述 5
2.1.1  农产品批发市场的概念及分类 5
2.1.2  我国农产品批发市场的历史演进 6
2.2  我国农产品批发市场现状 7
2.2.1  从市场数量和成交额来看,发展速度较快 8
2.2.2  现代化经营管理方式的应用 10
2.2.3  批发市场的自营业务不断加大 11
2.2.4  批发市场建设管理模式多样化 11
2.3  我国农产品批发市场存在的问题 12
2.3.1  缺乏统一规划,平均每市交易规模小 12
2.3.2  基础设施简陋,服务功能单一 13
2.3.3  经营主体组织化程度低,交易客体以现货为主,批零兼营 14
3  国内外农产品批发市场的基本模式分析 15
3.1  农产品批发市场发展模式的内涵 15
3.2  国外农产品批发市场模式 15
3.2.1  美国农产品批发市场的特征和发展模式(以园艺产品为例) 15
3.2.2  日本农产品批发市场模式(以生鲜农产品为例) 18
3.3  国外农产品批发市场模式的比较分析 21
3.3.1  法律法规支持体系和宏观调控制度 22
3.3.2  农产品批发市场体系 23
3.3.3  信息服务体系 24
3.3.4  宏观管理和市场运行效率 24
3.3.5  与农产品批发市场规范化发展紧密联系的组织 25
4  我国农产品批发市场现有模式的分析 27
4.1  产地模式分析:以山东寿光蔬菜批发市场为例 27
4.1.1  山东寿光蔬菜批发市场发展概况 27
4.1.2  山东寿光蔬菜批发市场的发展模式 28
4.2  销地模式分析:以布吉农产品批发市场为例 31
4.2.1  布吉农产品批发市场发展概况 31
4.2.2  深圳布吉农产品批发市场的发展模式 32
5  我国农产品批发市场模式选择与创新 36
5.1  我国农产品批发市场的发展趋势 36
5.2  产地和销地农产品批发市场模式创新 39
5.2.1  市场组织主体 39
5.2.2  运作方式 40
5.2.3  批发市场的产权 40
5.2.4  批发市场基础设施建设和科技的应用 41
5.2.5  批发市场的交易主体 41
5.2.6  交易原则和交易方式 42
5.2.7  管理服务与生活服务体系 43
6  促进我国农产品批发市场发展的对策 44
6.1  加强农产品批发市场法律体系建设 44
6.2  加强股份制改造,建立现代企业制度 44
6.2.1  批发市场的现代企业制度的内涵 44
6.2.2  批发市场建设的金融支持和融资渠道 44
6.3  积极培育市场主体,提高农户入市的组织化程度 45
6.3.1  培育和塑造成熟的市场主体 45
6.3.2  发展市场中介组织 45
6.3.3  构建农产品经纪人制度 46
6.3.4  充分发挥供销合作社在农产品批发市场建设中的作用 46
6.4  加快市场硬件和信息网络体系建设,完善服务功能 47
6.4.1  硬件设施的现代化建设 47
6.4.2  信息网络体系的现代化建设 47
6.4.3  完善批发市场的服务功能 47
6.5  试行会员制,实行市场准入制度 48
6.5.1  交易主体会员制度 48
6.5.2  交易客体市场准入制度 48
6.6  延伸批发市场服务价值链和产业链,拓展市场内涵和外延 48
6.6.1  向农产品品种培育和生产领域延伸 49
6.6.2  向农产品物流和零售领域延伸 49
6.6.3  向精深加工和科研开发领域延伸 49
6.6.4  向国际贸易领域延伸 49
参考文献 50
后    记 52 

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