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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM091  论文字数:12413,页数:16

摘   要


[关键字] 品牌  品牌战略  品牌竞争力  贴牌生产  中国制造



Though trade volume has risen greatly, China has been facing more and more trade frictions since 2005. The reason mainly lies in the negative effect from ‘Made in China’. Nowadays, trade protectionism is spreading widely. The growth mode of ‘Made in China ’which is excessively relying on export capacity will eventually come to the end . Our enterprises can only enhance their export competitiveness by creating their own brands and improving investment efficiency.
This article was divided into three parts , the first part analyzed the current situation and problem existed in the export of Chinese enterprises OEM products and brand products .The second part  analyzed  4 big problems that enterprises  confronted with in the process of making brand strategy, the  last part brought forward my viewpoints and suggestion to brand strategy  from the perspective of Chinese enterprises.

[Key words] Brand; Brand Strategy; Brand Competitive; OEM Production; Made in China

目  录

前言 .............................................2
1.我国出口企业忽视品牌竞争力的现状分析 ...........2
1.1大量出口产品“贴牌生产”...................... 2
1.2企业没有从战略的高度提高品牌竞争力 ............3
1.3品牌价值低 ....................................3
1.4品牌的科技含量低 ..............................3
2 我国出口企业实施品牌策略的主要问题分析 .........4
2.1企业不具备创造世界级品牌的规模................ 4
2.2.企业自身的研发观念淡薄 .......................4
2.3企业自身品牌意识淡薄 ..........................5
2.4具有民族特色的品牌尚未走出国门 ................5
2.5出口品牌建设的服务与政策环境滞后 ..............5
3 提高我国企业外贸出口品牌竞争力的重要途径分析 ...6
3.1声誉问题 ......................................6
3.2时间问题 ......................................7
3.3规模问题 ......................................7
3.4时机问题...................................... 8
4我国企业实施品牌策略的对策分析 ..................9
4.1立足自身提高企业技术研发能力 ..................9
4.2加强品牌服务提高产品的附加值 ..................10
4.3构建企业品牌体系和运行机制 ....................11
4.4利用整合营销沟通塑造品牌形象 ..................11
4.5促进文化变迁做中国特色品牌 ....................12
4.6冲破绿色壁垒创建绿色品牌 ......................12
4.7政府应为企业实施宏观谋划 ......................13
4.8 建设维护名牌成长的法制环境 ...................14
参考文献 .........................................15
致谢............................................. 16

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