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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM626  论文字数:15164.页数:23

摘  要



In the age of knowledge economy with competition increasing, patent, as a immateriality substance , can be deal by alienation and warrant, can also invest when evaluated. The quantity that a company owned means the market it takes. In the world today, the influence of custom bulwark and administration bulwark is reducing. The function of patent bulwark stands out increasingly for an enterprise to take the international markets and protects the markets, and is being one of the style of non-custom bulwark. It is said that how much patents the enterprise owned and how it used the patent strategies, is being an equation and symbol in the marketing competition. This paper conceives patent strategy bases on SWOT and cases ratiocination. And mooches the scrape and misconstrued our companies faced, uses for reference of the developed countries’ experience, and inducts the compatible patent strategy.
KEYWORDS:patent strategy,SWOT, cases ratiocination,misconstrue


引言…………............……………………………………   1
第二章  企业专利战略体系……………………………………    2
第一节 企业专利战略定义…………………………………………….   2
第二节 企业专利战略体系……………………….............   2
一、专利信息调研战略………………………………………………..   3
二、专利开发战略……………………………………………………..   3
三、专利申请战略……………………………………………………   4
四、专利实施战略…………………………………………………   4
五、专利防卫战略……………………………………………………   4
第三章  企业专利战略的制定…………………………….……….   6
第一节 基于SWOT分析法的企业专利战略制定…………………………   6
一、方法简介…………………………………………………………   6
二、基于SWOT分析企业专利战略方案…………………………………   6
三、实例分析…………………………………………………………..   7
第二节 基于案例推理的企业专利战略制定………………………………   8
一、方法简介…………………………………………………………  8
二、基于案例推理的企业专利战略制定模型…………………………….  8
三、 案例特性信息的提取……………………………………………  9
  我国企业专利战略的误区………………………………  11
  我国企业专利战略的制定………………………………..    13
一、专利文献检索战略…………………………………………………    13
二、利用失效专利战略…………………………………………………    13
三、取消对方专利权战略……………………………………………….    14
四、绕过障碍专利战略………………………………………………….   15
五、外围专利申请战略…………………………………………………..  15
六、专利回输战略………………………………………………………  16
七、校企合作战略……………………………………………………….  16
参考文献…………………………………………….………………...  18
致谢……………………………………………………………………  19 

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