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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM190    论文字数:15260,页数:19

摘    要


【关键词】石油企业  走出去 跨国经营 



The implementation of strategy of opening to the outside world is an important constituent for China to develop an export-oriented economical. It is the request of China adapt to globalization development inevitably. Chooses the current situation 、problems and measures of internationalization of Chinese petroleum enterprises as my topic has the vital practical significance and also has the strong theory significance. Looking from the realistic angle, After China enters WTO, The domestic competition aggravating will further be able to strengthen the necessity which the enterprise will step to the outside world. At the same time, it will also provide a more advantageous international environment and condition for Chinese petroleum enterprises. Under the situation, China will be able to have more petroleum enterprises to move towards road of the transnational management.
For petroleum enterprises of China, opening to the outside world, and carrying out transnational management is not only a necessary selection for solving the acuity of contradiction between supply and demand of domestic oil and gas resource, but also the only way to maintain and ensure petroleum security and even national economic security of China. This paper discussed the inevitability and causes of internationalization of Chinese petroleum enterprises, and further analyzed the current situation of internationalization of Chinese petroleum enterprises, based on which it put forward the six measures for petroleum enterprises to carry out the strategy of stepping to the outside world.

【key words】Transnational Management;International Competitiveness; Petroleum Enterprises;Strategic Orientation

目  录

1.  我国石油企业实施“走出去”战略的必要性 .....................................2
2.我国石油企业实施“走出去”战略的现状及成就 .................................7
3.影响我国石油企业“走出去”的主要因素 .......................................8
3.1 外部因素 ...................................................................8
3.2 内部因素 ...................................................................9
4.  推动我国石油企业进一步“走出去”的对策 .....................................11
4.1 要强化国际化经营、遵从国际惯例的理念,明确竞争对手 .........................11
4.2 科学地进行市场定位,明确“走出去”的方向和目标 .............................11
4.3 确立进入国际目标市场的合作方式 .............................................13
4.4 实施资本运营战略,通过一体化战略介入国际市场 ...............................14
4.5 通过竞争合作“走出去”,实施大企业战略 .....................................15
4.6 构建体制优势和政策支持体系,充分发挥我国的后发优势 .........................16
参   考 ........................................................................17 

文   献 ........................................................................18
致   谢 ........................................................................19

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