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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ007        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13058,页数:20

摘    要






Nowadays, with the rapid development of global information, the development speed of E-Business is extremely swift. Students in the campus are usually the rapid receivers of new things. Still, they are not only receivers of the E-Business but also promoters of E-Business in the future. Electronic commerce in campus can impel the development of overall electronic commerce and it also can provide the precious experience for the electronic commerce. Therefore, the development of electronic commerce in campus appears highly essential and inevitable.
The article mainly seeks for the currently reasonable development pattern based on the analyses of environment, advantages and problems with electronic commerce in campus. First, the thesis introduces implication and characteristic of electronic commerce in campus and analyzes the present situation, the prospect, the environment, and the function of electronic commerce in campus. Then the thesis analysis the problems in the development of electronic commerce in campus and puts forward the countermeasures accordingly. Finally the paper brings about the suitable development patterns of electronic commerce in campus in China.

【Key Words】Electronic Commerce in Campus; Present situation; Problems; Countermeasures; Pattern



目  录

1 引言 ...........................................2
2 校园电子商务概述 ...............................2
2.1 校园电子商务的定义 ...........................2
2.2 校园电子商务的特点 ...........................3
2.3 校园电子商务的发展现状 .......................4
2.4 校园电子商务的开展方式 .......................5
3 校园电子商务发展的必要性 .......................5
3.1 校园电子商务的发展环境 .......................5
3.2 校园电子商务的作用 ...........................6
3.3 校园电子商务的前景 ...........................7
4 校园电子商务发展中的问题及对策 .................7
4.1 应用环境因素及对策 ...........................7
4.2 认识因素及对策 ...............................8
4.3 技术、人才因素及对策 .........................9
4.4 创业者自我规划因素及对策 .....................10
4.5 电子商务企业方面因素及对策................... 11
5 当前适合我国的校园电子商务模式探析 .............12
5.1 二手交易市场................................. 12
5.2 网上竞价拍卖市场 .............................13
5.3 网上商城 .....................................14
5.4 网上商店 .....................................14
5.5 网上教育 .....................................15
6 结束语 .........................................15
参考文献 .........................................17
致   谢 ..........................................18

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