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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ047     论文字数:9254,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】 虚拟企业 网络品牌 品牌问题 品牌管理




With the development of the computer network, the communication technology and the prevalence of Internet, virtual enterprises have become more and more popular due to its characters like virtualization and digitalization. The building of network brand is a new challenge for the virtual enterprises to survive in the competition.
The paper advances the concept about the establishment of virtual enterprise’s Internet brand. First, the article gives a brief introduction to the research situation about the the establishment of virtual enterprise’s Internet brand home and abroad, the research roadmap, and the innovations. Then, it illustrates the basic definition, classification and development of the virtual enterprise. After that it puts forward the idea of the establishment of Internet brand in the virtual enterprises, the significance of the implementation of Intern brand and the ways of the establishment of Internet brand. Finally, the article provides the problems and solutions regarding to the brand building of the Internet brand.

【Key words】 Virtual Enterprise;  Internet Brand; Problems of Network; Brand Management


  目  录

1  引言 ................................................2
1.1研究的背景和意义.................................... 2
1.2 国内外发展及研究现状 ...............................2
1.3 本文的研究路径 .....................................3
1.4 本文的创新及不足................................... 3
2  虚拟企业的概述 ......................................3
2.1 虚拟企业的定义 .....................................3
2.2 虚拟企业的分类 .....................................4
2.3 虚拟企业的发展 .....................................4
3  虚拟企业网络品牌的建设 ..............................5
3.1 虚拟企业网络品牌的提出 .............................5
3.2 网络品牌与传统品牌的区别 ...........................6
3.3虚拟企业网络品牌的建设的途径 ........................8
4  虚拟企业网络品牌建设应注意的问题 ....................10
4.1虚拟企业网络品牌建设存在的问题 ......................10
4.2 网络品牌设计方面应注意问题 .........................11
4.3网络品牌的管理 ......................................11
5  结论 ................................................12
参考文献 ...............................................14
致谢 ...................................................15

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