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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM078  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8204,页数:12

摘    要


【关键词】企业  国际竞争力  非技术因素


The world melts already gradually for an integral whole nowadays, enterprise room competition already has had no in the homeland, mark of abroad, competition facing whose are also fiercer. How lifting our country enterprise international competitiveness, before the whole world gain more market share on this big marketplaces, win more benefit , be every enterprise problem all in pondering unceasingly. Indeed support key''''s, the advanced technology is that enterprise forms core competition key. If corporate culture, brand, international image, camp sell strategy waiting for a relevance, the impact of factor over enterprise competition is also bigger and bigger but outside the technology. Especially existence is not very big in the enterprise products and technology, when the difference, these factor effects right away especially bulging is obvious.
 Firstly, this essay dissertate the international competitiveness, then describe the current situation of our country enterprise international competitiveness and the non technology factors which infect our country enterprise international competitiveness and lastly give the necessary measures. Help our country enterprise to take these factors seriously especially to strengthen self''''s international competitiveness more well the acting force.

【Key Words】Enterprises; International competitiveness; non-technology factor

目   录

1 概述 .................................................2
1.1 企业国际竞争力的涵义 ...............................2
1.2 影响企业国际竞争力的因素 ...........................2
2  我国企业国际竞争力现状及非技术因素分析 ..............3
2.1 我国企业国际竞争力现状 .............................3
2.2 我国企业国际竞争力不强的非技术因素分析 .............4
3  可口可乐公司利用非技术因素提高国际竞争力经验借鉴 ....6
3.1可口可乐品牌建设.................................... 6
3.2可口可乐营销新渠道 ..................................7
3.3可口可乐人本管理战略 ................................8
3.4可口可乐人才引进战略 ................................8
4  利用非技术因素增强我国企业国际竞争力的对策.......... 8
4.1建设优质品牌,塑造良好企业形象 ......................8
4.2制定营销战略,拓展销售渠道 ..........................9
4.3开发人力资源,形成人力竞争力 ........................9
4.4建立国外销售网络,扩展国际市场份额 ..................10
参考文献 ...............................................11
致   谢 ................................................12

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