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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM258  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:6195,页数:10

摘   要


 [关键词] 永康  五金产业  外向型经济


The hardware industry, the chief industry in my hometown Yongkang, plays an important role in the process of Yongkang’s economy development. This paper begins with the basic development knowledge of Yongkang’s economy by introducing how the hardware industry in Yongkang to become the biggest production base and the distribution centre, how to become veritable “the capital of hardware”. Then the paper is to sum up the four characteristics of hardware industry in development and to analyze some problems in the development of hardware industry. At last, it gives some ideas and suggestions to solve problems mentioned above, for example, to enhance the competitiveness of the less well-known products and the lower-leveled teleology products; to take the advantage of building the hardware industry yard to improve the development of small and middle enterprises, then to solve the problem of their internal management.

 [Key words] Yongkang ; Industry of Hardware;Out-Oriented Economy


  目   录

1永康五金产业发展概况 ...................................2
2 永康五金产业发展的特点 ................................3
2.1 一哄而上 ............................................3
2.2 外向型经济 ..........................................3
2.3民营经济为主体 .......................................4
2.4五金博览会为载体,促进永康五金产业的发展 ..............4
3永康五金产业发展中存在的问题 ...........................5
3.1原材料成本上涨 .......................................5
3.2 产品科技水平含量不高 ................................5
3.3企业规模偏小, 内部管理落后 ...........................6
3.4 产品知名度较低 ......................................6
4对永康五金业发展的一些建议 .............................6
4.1 提高企业产品的竞争力 ................................6
4.2 以五金工业园区建设为契机,推进五金产业升级 ...........7
4.3以资本为纽带,促进中小企业的改造发展 ..................7
4.4 合理利用资源,减少污染 ..............................8
参考文献 ................................................9
致  谢 ..................................................10

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