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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ073 论文字数:11547,页数:29

摘    要





Subsequently with recent years’ development of IT, information has been taken on agenda gradually in the universities. Colleges and universities have enlarged the scale of student-recruitment and the graduate has more difficulty in looking for a job. At the same time the graduate practice time and the conflict writing thesis time have led to the declining of the paper’s mass. So the system concentrating efforts on improving the mass of the paper arises at the historic moment.
The paper mainly elaborates the design and realization of the system for submitting paper based on the ASP, especially the flow of the system designing and the rank management system. Related technology used in this system and the choice of the movement condition have been carried on the description, as well as this system related model design and the technology of the realization and related core code. System needs to face to customers, and put in use finally. Therefore the thesis gives much comparatively detailed description on systematic testing. It has listed the essential technology and the related algorithm which the system uses at the last.

【Keywords】Network security ,Class , System Design, Online Submitting

 目  录

1在线论文提交系统概述 ...........................................2
1.1 在线论文提交系统的概念 ......................................2
1.2 在线论文提交系统的优势和意义 ................................2
1.3 在线论文提交系统国内外的发展动态 ............................3
2 在线论文提交系统开发环境选择 ..................................3
2.1 硬件环境选择 ................................................3
2.2 软件环境选择 ................................................4
3 在线论文提交系统设计.......................................... 7
3.1 总体设计 ....................................................7
3.2 数据库设计 ..................................................9
3.3 模块设计 ....................................................11
4在线论文提交系统主要功能模块分析与实现 .........................12
4.1 学生注册模块 ................................................12
4.2 选择导师模块 ................................................13
4.3 提交论文模块.................................................13
4.4论文查询模块................................................. 14
4.5学生后台模块 .................................................15
4.6导师后台模块 .................................................15
4.7系统后台模块 .................................................16
5在线论文提交系统的测试与评价 ...................................16
5.1系统的测试................................................... 17
5.2系统的评价 ...................................................17
6关键技术及算法 .................................................18
6.1类的思想在ASP中的实现 ........................................18
6.2用户密码加密的算法 ...........................................18
6.3系统安全性的实现 .............................................19
7结束语......................................................... 20
参考文献 ........................................................21
致  谢 ..........................................................22
附录 ............................................................23

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