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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM526  论文字数:14143.页数:19

摘  要


     Zhejiang Province is an important textile and apparel production and export base. After more than ten years after the rapid growing, Zhejiang textile industry faces various problems and challenges in recent years. Zhejiang textile and garment industry is facing major problems of development, including revaluation of the RMB, financial crisis, rising prices of raw materials, small-scale textile enterprises, the management of low level, low level of technology. For textile enterprises in Zhejiang Province out of the woods, we must focus from various angles, such as to upgrade their technological level and R & D capabilities, improve enterprise management level, to promote large-scale enterprises; the implementation of brand strategy, expand the international influence; diversified export market and to reduce the existing heavy reliance on export markets; the Government and trade associations the right direction and coordination; use international rules to deal with all kinds of textile trade barriers.

KEYWORDS:textile industry,dilemma,development,  Zhejiang Province

第一章 引言 1
  第一节 选题意义 1
  第二节 研究现状 1
第二章 浙江纺织工业的发展历程和现状 3
  第一节  浙江省纺织工业的发展历程和现状 3
  第二节  浙江纺织工业发展面临的挑战 4
第三章 浙江省纺织业纾困发展的若干建议 9
  第一节 以提升创新能力为核心,提升纺织企业竞争力 9
  第二节 推进企业整合,提高规模效应和抗风险能力 10
  第三节 大力实施自主品牌战略,扩大国际影响力 12
  第四节 发挥政府指导与协调作用 13
第五节 积极采取措施应对各类纺织贸易壁垒 13
第四章 总结 15
参考文献  16

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