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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM694  论文字数:20339.页数:34

摘  要

 浙江是我国民营经济最为发达的省份,中小民营企业占据全省外贸出口的半壁江山。随着中国加入WTO ,浙江民营企业异军突起,成为浙江出口的主力军。2009年,民营企业进出口占全省外贸比重首超5成,民营企业进出口941.3亿美元,同比下降4.6%,小于全省平均降幅6.4个百分点,占全省外贸进出口总值的50.1%。但是我们也看到浙江民营企业在出口方面仍存在许多欠缺,在出口竞争力总体来说并不高,在对外贸易中处于不利地位。本文通过浙江民企出口现状分析,出口产品的竞争力分析以及SWOT分析三个方面对浙江民营企业出口竞争力的进行详细分析,从而找出影响竞争力的主要因素,并以此为基础提出相应的对策,对促进浙江民营企业对外贸易的发展具有重要的现实意义。


 Zhejiang is the most developed private economy province in China, small and medium non-state-run enterprises account for half of the province''''s exports. With China''''s accession to WTO, Zhejiang non-state-run enterprises, becoming the main force of the export of Zhejiang. In 2009, non-state-run enterprises accounted for the province''''s international trade import and export over 50 percent share of the first time, Import and  Export of non-state-run enterprise in Zhejiang Province is 94.13 billion U.S. dollars in 2009, down 4.6%, less than the provincial average reduction of 6.4 percentage points, representing the province''''s imports and exports value of 50.1%.
 But we also see non-state-run enterprise in Zhejiang, still have many deficiencies in exporting. Export competitiveness is weak and has a disadvantage in international trade. In this paper, we find out the main factors affecting competitiveness through the analysis of export situation of Zhejiang non-state-run enterprises, the research on competitiveness of export products as well as the SWOT analysis. According to the main factors,it is easy to find out strategies. That’s have important practical significance to promote the development of Zhejiang non-state-run enterprises’ international trade.

KEYWORDS:Zhejiang Non-state-run enterprises,
Export Competitiveness, Factors, Strategies      


第一章  引言 1
 第一节 研究背景 1
 第二节 研究意义 1
 第三节 研究方法 2
第二章   出口竞争力相关理论 3
 第一节  出口竞争力的涵义与特征 3
 第二节  企业出口竞争力研究综述 4
 第三节 出口竞争力评价方法 6
第三章  浙江民营企业出口现状 8
 第一节 浙江民营企业出口现状总概述 8
 第二节 浙江民营企业出口特点 9
第四章   浙江民营企业出口竞争力状况分析 12
 第一节  浙江民营企业出口产品竞争力分析 12
 一、显示性比较优势指数(RCA) 12
 二、贸易竞争力指数(TC) 14
 三、国际市场占有率指标(MRP) 15
 第二节 浙江民企出口竞争力SWOT分析 18
 一、浙江民企出口贸易内部环境S-W分析 18
 二、出口贸易外部环境O-T分析 19
第五章  浙江民企出口竞争力影响因素 22
第六章  提升浙江民企出口竞争力对策 25
第七章   结论 28

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