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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM609  论文字数:10480.页数:17


关键词:中小企业  外贸现状  影响因素  应对措施


 Since the reform and opening up, China''''s foreign trade has made remarkable achievements, particularly since China joined the WTO in 2001, it opened a new chapter. but subsequently  trade disputes comes, trade barriers has always troubled us. The changes of international and domestic environment. makes a lot of troubles to the small and medium enterprises in foreign trade. Therefore, it has became a great issue whether the Chinese small and medium enterprises are still competitive in future international trade, and whether made in china can continue to push forward China''''s economy. in this article we will discuss the future of Chinese small and medium enterprises in the international trade through the analysis of international trade by small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and research analysis on the important factor in international trade.
 This article will discuss from the two main aspects
 1. Small and medium enterprises foreign trade situation. Described the current situation of Foreign Trade for small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang province, analysis the major problems in foreign trade, the effect to the enterprises, corporate responses and the results.
 2. The influence factors of  small and medium-sized enterprises foreign trade.
 3. The way to deal with the problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in foreign trade .

KEYWORDS: Small and medium-sized enterprise, current situation of International trade  influence factors  counter measures

第一章   导论 1
第一节 选题背景 1
第二节 主要研究内容和框架结构 2
第二章 浙江省中小企业对外贸易现状 3
第一节 中小企业定义以及在对外贸易中的作用 3
第二节 浙江中小企业对外贸易中遇到的问题 4
第三章 浙江省中小企业对外贸易影响因素及对策 5
第一节 浙江中小企业目前遭遇的主要贸易壁垒 5
第二节 浙江省遭受贸易技术壁垒原因的分析 6
第三节 浙江中小企业应对措施 7
第四章 展望浙江省中小企业外贸前景 9
参考文献 11
致  谢 13

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