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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM696  论文字数:12946.页数:21

摘  要

 Small commercial loans are one which of poverty relief methods our country carried out in recent years. Although Microfinance pilot project in Zhejiang Province also still in its infancy, it has made remarkable achievements. However, the results seem to have dressed small loan companies can not conceal his worries. This article through to related literature induction research, first has affirmed the Zhejiang carrying out microfinance company''''s important meaning, then briefed the Zhejiang microfinance company experiment site preliminary situation, and pointed out that around the experiment site participates in enterprise''''s manner dropping variance ,then simply summarized the achievement of  Zhejiang microfinance company during the trial. At last through the data analysis leads to the difficulties in the development of microfinance company and its causes. And reorganizes summarizes own viewpoint, for the further development of Zhejiang microfinance company provide relevant policy Suggestions.
KEYWORDS:Zhejiang province,Microfinance company, Explore of development.

目 录
第一章   引言 1
第一节   选题背景和意义 1
第二节   本文的研究思路和方法 2
第二章   文献综述 3
第一节   国外关于小额信贷的研究 3
第二节   国内关于小额信贷的研究 4
第三节   总结 6
第三章   小额贷款公司成立的意义 7
第一节  小额贷款对支持“三农”建设的意义 7
第二节  小额贷款对扶持中小企业发展的意义 8
第四章   浙江小额贷款公司发展现状 9
第一节   小额贷款公司基本情况 9
第二节   浙江小额贷款公司的试点情况和成效 10
第五章   遭遇的问题和对策 12
第一节  遭遇的问题 12
第二节  政策建议 14
第六章   总结 16
参考文献 17
致  谢 18

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