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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ023       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:12820,页数:18

摘    要


【关键词】证券电子商务   发展现状   模式分析   发展战略



To open and develop stock market, especially the security electronic commerce, will play a very important role in the reform of the city economic system and the development of the socialist market economic system. In the past few years, the security electronic commerce has been developing vigorously in China, but many problems are exposed in the course of its development because of late starting.
The major aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of the security electronic commerce and discuss the current situation, patterns, problems and developing stratagem of the security electronic commerce in China.
Firstly, the paper describes the basic concept of the security electronic commerce and analyzes the advantages in developing the security electronic commerce. Secondly, the status and mode of the security electronic commerce in China are reviewed with more details. Thirdly, it analyzes the patterns of the security electronic commerce in America & China, sums the problems in the patterns that we should choose for developing the security electronic commerce. Then, it analyzes the main problems of developing the security electronic commerce in China. Finally, the developing stratagem suggestions are put forward.

【Key Words】 Security Electronic Commerce;  Current Situation;  Model Analysis;  Developing stratagem


目  录

1  引言 .....................................................2
1.1研究背景 .................................................2
1.2研究意义 .................................................2
2  证券电子商务概述 .........................................3
2.1证券电子商务的概念 .......................................3
2.2证券电子商务的优势 .......................................3
2.3证券电子商务的模式分析 ...................................4
3  证券电子商务发展现状及存在的问题 .........................7
3.1证券市场的现状 ...........................................7
3.2证券电子商务的发展概况 ...................................7
3.3证券电子商务面临的问题 ...................................9
4  证券电子商务的发展策略 ...................................11
4.1提高安全便捷性 ...........................................11
4.2建立监管制度加快立法 .....................................12
4.3强化网上证券交易基础建设 .................................13
4.4协调处理证券电子商务与传统经纪业务的关系 .................14
4.5引入竞争改进服务 .........................................14
5  结语 .....................................................16
参考文献 ....................................................17
致  谢 ......................................................18

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