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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ029        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:14467,页数:19

摘   要

 [关键词] 电子商务 社区服务 中部地区



 With the global informationization, Internet has brought about E-commerce that draws the attention from all walks around. It is one of the most tough issues whether the middle part of China can wake up in this informationization revolution and build up its future via E-commerce. How can community E-commerce, as an important part in this revolution, develop in the middle part of China? What about its future? The paper discusses some issues about the community service E-commerce in the middle part from theoretical and practical point of view.
 There are five parts in this paper. First, it illustrates the significance of the research, related concepts and research status home and abroad. Second, it elaborates the status quo of the development of community service E-commerce in the middle part of China. The development of E-commerce in the middle China is falling behind, owing to the special environment, but parts of the provinces and cities have achieved a lot in the development of E-commerce. Third, the thesis points out the factors that hinder the development of community service E-commerce in this area. Fourth, it advances some counter-measures to the development of community service E-commerce in this area, which is the focus of this paper with detailed illustration on external an internal environments of the development of community service E-commerce in the middle China. Finally, the paper gives a summary and prospectus with the belief that community service E-commerce will help the development in the middle district.

【Key Words】E-commerce; Community Service; Middle District 
目  录

1  引论 .............................................2
1.1研究背景与意义 ...................................2
1.2 社区服务电子商务概述 ............................2
1.3 文献综述 ........................................3
2  我国中部地区社区服务电子商务的发展现状 ...........5
2.1 中部社区服务电子商务整体发展水平不高 ............5
2.2 中部部分省份社区服务电子商务日趋完善 ............6
3 制约中部社区服务电子商务发展的因素 ................8
3.1关念和体制落后 ...................................8
3.2 信息化水平较弱 ..................................9
3.3电子商务建设人才的匮乏 ...........................10
4 发展中部社区服务电子商务的几点建议 ................11
4.1 开发外部环境 ....................................11
4.2 完善内部环境 ....................................13
5  结论及展望 .......................................16
5.1 总结 ............................................16
5.2 中部地区社区服务电子商务展望 ....................17
参考文献 ............................................18
致    谢 ............................................19

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