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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM254  论文字数:9681,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】 中俄贸易  边境贸易   战略升级


With the globalization of the world’s economy,the increasingly further innovation and economic recovery of Russia, the political and economic environments are being improved comprehensively. As an important role of China-Russia trade, the border trade between the two states is drawing more and more attention from governments and companies of both sides. Over the past years, China-Russia trade has been developing at a high speed. However, the bilateral border trade is still immature in a relative small scale. Many obstacles encountered are preventing the border trade from further and faster development. To promote the China-Russia trade and its border trade, we have to get rid of these obstacles and change our mentality about traditional trade, and improve inappropriate systems and policies. The bilateral border trade is kind of a typical China-Russia trade. To a great degree, the traits of the former one represent that of the latter one. So this article discusses about the problems in the developments of this border trade and solutions for them from the perspective of macro view point after we learn about its features. In the first part, the paper introduces the background and recent situation in short through a great deal of data, and then analyzes the trade potential. In the second part, the paper comes up with some serious problems while shedding light on the traits of the border trade and the whole China-Russia trade, then listes reasons for them. Finally, the paper offers some opinions for those problems mentioned above.

【Key Words】China-Russia trade;Border trade;Strategic promotion

目   录

1中俄边境贸易背景、现状与特点............................................... 2
1.1中俄边贸背景 .............................................................2
1.2中俄边贸现状 .............................................................2
1.3中俄边贸的特点 ...........................................................5
2中俄边贸问题及原因分析..................................................... 6
2.1边贸中显现的问题 .........................................................6
2.2原因分析 .................................................................7
3中俄边贸问题相关对策 .......................................................10
3.1注意研究两国政治经济状态及变化 ...........................................10
3.2建立完善和丰富信息平台及数据库,及时沟通获取市场信息 .....................10
3.3应加强与俄相关部门协调,提高政府职能部门工作效能 .........................11
3.4完善相关边贸法律政策,健全边贸监督管理机制 ...............................11
3.5与国际接轨,建立银行结算、仲裁、和出口信保机制 ...........................11
3.6鼓励民间商会协会的合法发展和发挥作用 .....................................12
3.7继续更大规模地开展更高层次的多元化结构的边贸 .............................12
3.8扩大在对方的宣传广告 .....................................................12
3.9充分挖掘边贸区自身经济潜力同时争取其他国家的开发合作 .....................13
参考文献 ....................................................................14
致   谢 .....................................................................15

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