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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM120    论文字数:14561,页数:22

摘   要


【关键词】中美钢铁贸易  贸易摩擦  钢铁保障措施案



The iron and steel industry is the national economy foundation industry, which is very important to the national economy of each department''''s development. The iron and steel industry is regarded as one of the important national economy and has the important strategic significance. When China joined the World Trade Organization at the end of 2001, the exportation is continuously maintaining quick and the big growth scope under the situation of world market that is going down. At the same time, the trade friction and conflict about China is getting more and more. Between China and America''''s trade occupies the Chinese foreign trade the majority of proportions, therefore China and America trade friction also especially attracts attention.
China is the first steel and iron output which breaks through 200 million tons countries in the world, the steel and iron volume of exports also continuously assumes the trend of escalation in recent years, especially to US''''s exports. But both sides also never interrupt about the steel and iron aspect friction, and will become the focal point in the short-term between China and America trade friction. Our country steel industry encounters the counter-dumping indictment unceasingly, which brings the very tremendous influence. This article introduced the performance between China and America the steel and iron trade friction in the near future, and analyzed the reason about friction. Through comparing the China iron and steel enterprise superiority and the inferiority, then put forward proposals.

【Key Words】 Steel and iron trade between China and America;  Trade conflict; Steel and iron safeguard measure document.


目  录

1  中美钢铁贸易摩擦问题的回顾 .........................................................2
1.1 中美钢铁发展情况 ..................................................................2
1.2 近期中美关于钢铁贸易的冲突 ........................................................3
2  中国在WTO中的第一个案件——美国钢铁保障措施案 ......................................4
2.1 美国201条款及其特点 ...............................................................4
2.2 美国启动201钢铁保障措施的原因 .....................................................5
2.3 美国对热轧、冷轧钢材与不锈钢材等种钢铁产品采取的保障措施违背了世贸组织的有关规则 ..5
2.4 美国所采取的调查程序与《保障措施协议》的规定不符 ..................................6
2.5 美国在通知和磋商方面有违WTO的规定 .................................................6
3  中国钢铁产品竞争力的国际比较 .......................................................6
3.1 钢材品种结构及质量的国际比较 ......................................................6
3.2 技术装备水平及开发能力的国际比较 ..................................................7
3.3 钢铁产品生产成本国际比较 ..........................................................8
3.4中国钢铁产品进出口情况 .............................................................10
4  中国与美国出现钢铁贸易摩擦的原因 ...................................................11
4.1 中国对美钢铁贸易摩擦的外部原因 ....................................................11
4.2 中国对外钢铁贸易摩擦的内部原因 ....................................................13
5  中美钢铁贸易摩擦带来的启示及中国企业应采取的措施................................... 15
5.1 中美钢铁贸易摩擦带来的启示 ........................................................15
5.2 中国面对钢铁贸易摩擦应采取的措施 ..................................................17
参考文献 ..............................................................................21
致谢 .................................................................................22

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