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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM197    论文字数:9562,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】跨国并购  中石油     哈萨克斯坦PK公司



Transnational merger is a extended meaning of merger in the concept, and also is a span of merger in the space. Under the background of global economy, transnational merger has become a normal management of multinational.
The paper took the Chinese petroleum transnational merger  of Kazakhstan PK Company as a subject ,which analysed the background and reason of Chinese petroleum transnational merger; introduced the process of merger and summed up the successful experiences. Why the Chinese petroleum transnational merger could be successed? Because managers had specific tactic of merger and purchased production from easy to difficult. Espacially, they attached much imprortance to the market in developing countries. They took technology as guide when  aquiring in develop countries and focused on  enterprise conformity after aquired. In Enterprise transnational merger, they had some principles,that is, do solid work and stress practical results. All of these experiences offerd many useful revelations to other enterprises for debeloping transnational merger!

【Key words】: Transnational merger;  the Chinese petroleum   Kazakhstan PK Company

目  录
1   中石油和哈萨克斯坦PK石油公司简介 .......................................2
2   石油收购哈萨克斯坦PK石油公司的动因 .....................................3
2.1 缓解国际油价飙升给国内经济发展带来的困境 ...............................3
2.2 增加石油开采率 .........................................................3
2.3 获得石油利益 ...........................................................4
2.4 争夺里海油气资源开采的主动权 ...........................................4
3   中石油收购哈萨克斯坦PK石油公司的过程与结果 .............................5
4   给我国其他企业开展跨国收购的启示 .......................................9
4.1 应有明确的并购战略 .....................................................9
4.2 本着先易后难原则进行收购,特别应重视发展中国家的市场 ...................9
4.3 在发达国家并购要以技术为导向 ...........................................10
4.4 注重并购后的企业整合 ...................................................10
4.5 企业跨国并购一定要讲究实事、实绩、实效  ................................11
参考文献 ...................................................................13
致   谢 ....................................................................14

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