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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ041        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9700,页数:15

摘    要


【关键词】 评估方法 指标体系  公共服务成熟度



Government website is an important part of electronic government construction. As the major access channel of the enterprises and the public, Government Website is the core of e-government construction, which can incarnate sufficiently every factor development level of electronic administrative affair of background application system, information resources, network infrastructure, security system and institutional safeguard etc. To solve the developing problems of government website, it is imperative to strengthen evaluation of government website with scientific methods.
Firstly, this paper introduces the background and meaning of the government website’s evaluation in the foreword. Secondly, we introduce the government website’s evaluation standards, which are put forward by famous organizations from home and abroad. Thirdly, we compare the standards of evaluation using illustration through the scopes of selecting samples, methods of data analysis, characteristic of evaluation, evaluating standards’ strongpoint and shortcomings. Fourthly, we compare and analyze between the commonness of the evaluating standards including evaluating common approaches, manners of disposing datum and individuality of the evaluation standards including evaluation characteristics, evaluation gist, methods of collecting datum, the scopes and content etc. Finally, evaluation standards are set down according to lack of evaluation standards of government websites, which consummate jobs of state webs evaluation.

【Key Words】 Methods of the evaluation; Index system; Maturation degree of Public service

目  录

1  引言 ...................................................2
1.1 研究背景.............................................. 2
1.2 研究目的和意义 ........................................2
1.3 政府网站及其评估的定义 ................................3
1.3.1 政府网站的定义 ......................................3
1.3.2 政府网站评估的定义 ..................................3
2  国内外政府网站评估标准的介绍 ...........................3
2.1 国外政府网站评估标准 ..................................4
2.1.1 Accenture咨询公司的评估标准 .........................4
2.1.2 Gartner咨询公司的评估标准 ...........................5
2.1.3 联合国公共经济与公共管理局的评估标准 ................5
2.1.4 世界市场研究中心和布朗大学的评估标准 ................6
2.2 国内政府网站评估标准 ..................................7
2.2.1 时代财富的政府网站评估标准 ..........................7
2.2.2 计世资讯的城市政府网站评估标准 ......................7
2.2.3 互联网实验室的电子政务效果评估标准 ..................7
2.2.4 赛迪顾问股份有限公司评估标准 ........................8
3  政府网站评估标准的比较分析 .............................8
3.1 评估标准的微观比较 ....................................8
3.2 评估标准的宏观分析 ....................................10
3.2.1 评估标准的共性.......................................10
3.2.2 评估标准的个性.......................................10
4  我国政府网站评估标准存在的的问题与建议 .................12
4.1 我国政府网站评估标准存在的问题........................ 12
4.2 对制定我国政府网站评估标准的建议 ......................12
5  结束语 .................................................13
参考文献 ..................................................14
致    谢 ..................................................15

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