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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM265  论文字数:12468,页数:20

摘    要


【关键词】中小企业  走出去  策略


The multinational operation of medium and small enterprises plays an important role in the course of rapid upgrading of international industries, ladderlike shifting of traditional technique and world economic integration. In China, encourage medium and small companies to “go out” is an important strategy. In such a background, how to achieve the goal of “going out” is a hot topic of today. Based on the analysis about the necessity and feasibility of small and medium-sized enterprises'''' ''''going-out'''', this paper deliberated on the blocking factors that impede small and medium-sized enterprises'''' to ''''go out'''' from domestic, local and enterprise itself aspects. This paper views that the domestic blocking factors include the difficulties in enterprise’s financing, the difficulties to get information timely and the restrains brought by related domestic policies; the local blocking factors include local government’s administrative restrains and other uncertainties; and as for the enterprises themselves, the blocking factors include the imprudence in market investigation and partnership choosing, the lack of talent and shabby management. Starting from this, this paper puts forward suggestions about how to promote small and medium-sized enterprises'''' going out better from micro and macro perspectives.

【Key Words】Medium and Small Enterprises;Going Out;Countermeasures

目  录

1.1中小企业“走出去”的必要性 ...........................2
1.2中小企业“走出去”的可行性 ...........................4
2中小企业“走出去”的现状及其制约因素分析 ...............7
2.1中小企业“走出去”的现状 .............................7
2. 2制约中小企业“走出去”的因素分析 ....................9
3中小企业“走出去”的策略选择 ...........................11
参考文献 ................................................19
致   谢 .................................................20

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