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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ066   论文字数:12105,页数:21

摘   要


【关键词】电子商务  中小企业  第三方物流  物流模式 



It is more and more important for the medium and small enterprises(MSEs) to choose logistics mode that adapts to their development under electronic commerce in order to intensify market competition.
This thesis analyses the current development for the logistics under electronic commerce of MSEs in China; then puts forward some strategies and advices about better development for logistics of the MSEs. This thesis firstly elaborates electronic commerce and logistics concepts,analyses the intrinsic relations between electronic commerce and logistics,also the characteristic of logistics under the condition of electronic commerce; Secondly, analyses the present development situation about logistics of MSEs under electronic commerce in China; Thirdly, the thesis compares the merits and shortcomings of three logistics modes through three cases about a medium enterprise and two small enterprises under the electronic commerce, which provides value advices for MSEs to choose their logistics modes . Finally, This thesis suggest that the choice of logistics mode should be based on their own characteristic and the development of logistics industry in our country.We should encourage MSEs to adopt a major logistics mode,as well as the other two kinds of logistics modes flexibly to maximize the enterprise’s efficiency.

【KEY WORDS】 Electronic Commerce ;  Medium and Small Enterprises;
Third Party Logistics; Logistics Mode

 目  录
引  言 ........................................................2
1  电子商务与物流 ............................................2
1.1 电子商务的概念 ............................................2
1.2 物流的概念 ................................................3
1.3 电子商务与物流的关系 ......................................4
1.4 电子商务环境下物流的特点 ..................................4
2   电子商务环境下我国中小企业物流的发展现状 ..................6
2.1 我国中小企业的定义及其经济地位 ............................6
2.2 电子商务环境下中小企业物流的发展现状 ......................7
3   中小企业电子商务物流模式分析 ..............................9
3.1 自营物流 ..................................................9
3.2 第三方物流 ................................................10
3.3 物流联盟 ..................................................11
4   案例分析 ..................................................12
4.1 案例1(中型企业):外包模式选择 .............................12
4.2 案例2(小型企业):外包为主,自营为辅模式选择 .............14
4.3 案例3(小型企业):物流联盟模式选择 .......................16
5   电子商务环境下中小企业物流模式的选择建议 ..................16
5.1 中小企业物流模式选择的取向建议............................ 17
5.2 中小企业电子商务物流模式选择应遵循的原则 ..................18
6   总结与展望 ................................................19
参考文献 ......................................................20
致谢 ..........................................................21

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