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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ080  论文字数:10507,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】 中小型外贸企业  电子商务  国际贸易  第三方平台 


Because of its inherent flaws, the medium and small foreign trade enterprise lacks the competitive advantage in the traditional international trade. However, with the rapid development of electronic commerce, it has changed not only the form and structure of traditional trade of goods and services but also the international trade .The development of electronic commerce has raised the important reform of international trade. The medium and small foreign trade enterprise not only can make up its insufficiency through the development of electronic commerce also fully display its superiority. Thus, it wins in keen competition.
This article through analyzing the present situations of the medium and small foreign trade enterprise and the influence of electronic commerce to the medium and small foreign trade enterprise indicates that the medium and small foreign trade enterprise develops the electronic commerce to be extremely essential. The pressing matter of the moment is to actively develop e-business and extensively apply e-commerce into business. Then this article proposes that the medium and small foreign enterprise should carry out reformation and bring forth new ideas in building e-business environment, promotion of market technical in net, establishing e-business application system and so on.

【Key words】 Medium and small foreign trade enterprise ;Electronic Commerce; International trade; Third party platform

目  录
1引言 .......................................................2
1.1选题的目的与意义......................................... 2
1.2本选题在国内外的研究状况及发展趋势 .......................2
2 中小型外贸企业发展电子商务的必要性 ........................3
2.1中小型外贸企业的现状 .....................................3
2.2电子商务对中小型外贸企业的影响 ...........................4
3  中小型外贸企业发展电子商务的现状及存在的问题 .............6
3.1中小型外贸企业发展电子商务的现状......................... 6
3.2中小型外贸企业在发展电子商务中存在的问题 .................7
4  中小型外贸企业发展电子商务的对策......................... 9
4.1 营造电子商务环境........................................ 9
4.2 重视客户关系管理系统 ....................................10
4.3 建立网络品牌 ............................................11
4.4建立完善的电子商务应用系统 ...............................12
5  结论 .....................................................13
参考文献 ....................................................14
致  谢 ......................................................15

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