论文编号:GM706 论文字数:15436.页数:22
摘 要
在中国,由于招商引资是在计划经济向市场经济过渡时期产生和迅速发展起来的,因此政府在招商引资中发挥着重要的作用,有些地方甚至完全由政府主导着招商引资工作。尽管政府干预招商引资的模式取得了巨大的成绩,但是随着经济全球化的进程以及我国市场经济体制的完善,这种模式也越来越多的暴露出问题。因此,对政府,特别是转型期政府在招商引资中的职能研究有助于促进地方政府转变工作职能,规范招商引资行为,对确保经济健康、快速 、和谐发展有着十分重要的意义。
关键词:招商引资 政府职能 转型
Since Reformation and Open policy came into being,Investment Promotion has been the focus of governments at all levels and it accumulated a large amount of experience and lessons at the same step with the development of market economy.Nowadays,the activities exert the important influence on the regional economy.
In China,rising and fast developed in the period transiting from planned economy to the market one,the government played a very important role in InvestmentPromotion.Some local governments even dominated the investment promotionwork.Although the mode of government intervention in investment promotion has achieved great success,along with the process of economic globalizationand perfection of China’s market economic mechanism,it has been exposing more and more problems.Therefore,research to government,especially transition government functions in Investment Promotion is helpful for promotes the local authority to transform the work function,the standard attract for investment behavior,guaranteeing the place economical health,fast,the harmonious development in the extremely vital significance.
The paper studies the background、characteristics and related theories of Investment Promotion,describes some unreasonable state of affairs of government functions , analysis of these problems in four main reasons and put forward the proposal that transition government should stay at its place without absence and has done the things without overrun in Investment Promotion.
KEYWORDS:Investment Promotion, government function, transition
第一章 引言………………….……………………………………… .1
第一节 研究背景………………...……………………………………….1
第二章 相关理论和研究现状………………………………………...3
第三节 政府职能理论…………………………………………………….5
第四节 国内外相关课题研究现状………………………………………....7
第三章 我国招商引资中政府职能的现状及原因分析…………...….9
第一节 我国招商引资中政府职能的现状…………………………………..9
第二节 我国招商引资中政府职能出现问题的原因………………………...10
第四章 转型期政府在我国招商引资中的职能建议………………...12
第一节 转型期政府在招商引资中应到位而不缺位………………………...12
第二节 转型期政府在招商引资中应有所为且不越位………………………13
第五章 结论…………………………………………………………...15