论文编号:JR112 字数:23657,页数:33
Globalization is the mainstream of international economic development. Moving towards this challenge, how to improve industrial competitiveness rapidly in the world market are concerned by many countries. In recent years, with foresight and strength, some leading enterprises in China has started to look at the broader global market and tried to go abroad. Therefore enterprise directly investing abroad becomes a hot topic. However the theories urgently needed to direct the practices are lag behind. Hence studying and implementing as soon as possible the "going abroad" strategy, including how to develop international market actively, to make use of foreign resource, to comply with the requirements of the further opening under the economic globalization circumstance, and to increase the continuous strength and driving power of our national economic development, becomes the present first priority.
Starting from the background of current economic globalization, this thesis analyzed and expounded the inevitability, reality, and feasibility for our national enterprises to invest abroad directly, thus to end out the solution to the existing problems in the operation. Through comparing to those widely existing in the world at the same stage, the problems were first divided into general ones for all enterprises and specific ones only applicable to our national enterprises, and then studied respectively. For detailed analysis of the generation background,environment infuence, and constraint factors of above specific problems, the location choosing
principles and methods were applied. The advantages and disadvantages of our national enterprises were drawn out accordingly. Corresponding measures and suggestions were proposed for two major categories of problems for our national enterprises to invest abroad directly in order to exploit fully the advantages and avoid the disadvantages mentioned above. Finally, the environmental support needed by investing abroad directly was summarized. Upon which, the government- adoptable practical policies were derived. The approaches of implementing these supportive policies were also pointed out in order to promote the internationalization of our national enterprises.
Keywords: Enterprise development; Invest abroad ;Approaches
摘要 1
一 前言 5
(一)研究背景 5
(二)研究内容 6
二 我国企业对外投资的理论基础 7
(一)西方传统理论 7
1. 垄断优势理论(又称“海默一金德尔伯格传统”) 7
2. 产品生命周期理论(Product-Cycle Hypothesis) 8
3. 内部化理论(The Theory of Internalization ) 8
4. 比较优势投资理论(The Theory of Comparative Advantage to Investment) 9
(二)发展中国家理论 9
1.小规模技术理论 9
2. 技术地方化理论 10
3. 技术创新和产业升级理论 10
三 中国企业对外投资现状及特点 11
(一)近几年我国企业对外投资情况 11
1.从地区分布情况看 11
2.从行业分布情况看 12
(二)我国企业对外投资发展的主要特点 12
1.投资领域和形式不断扩展 13
2.投资战略不断丰富 14
3.境外投资主体队伍不断发展壮大 16
4.促进了国民经济和对外关系发展 16
四 影响我国企业走出去的因素探析 18
(一)影响我国企业“走出去”的现实因素 18
1.企业境外投资存在不足。 18
(二)影响我国企业“走出去”的体制因素 19
1.对外投资立法不健全 19
2.管理机制不顺 19
3.政策导向作用有待加强 19
4.信息服务严重滞后 19
5.外汇管理和银行信贷限制过严 19
6. 企业微观经营机制存在一定的缺陷 19
(三)影响我国企业“走出去”的风险因素 20
1.“走出去”的风险 20
2. 障碍与壁垒 20
五 中国企业“走出去”的途径 21
(一)先贸易后投资 21
(二)培育龙头企业,通过“关键企业”的带动作用促使企业‘走出去” 23
(三)以资本为纽带。加快企业强强联合,通过培育大型跨国股份制企业或企业集团推动企业集团化“走出去” 24
(四)与国外跨国公司或东道国企业形成战略联盟“走出去” 25
(五)企业与高等院校、科研机构联姻“走出去” 26
(六)促进产业资本与银行资本结合,形成金融财团联合“走出去” 27
六 结论 28
参考文献: 29