论文编号:JR225 论文字数:36367,页数:60 金融理财专业硕士毕业论文
Insurance financial planning is an indispensable part of personal financial planning that satisfies demand of risk protection, investment, tax avoidance and many other needs for people. As China''s rapid economic development, residents of increasing wealth, great development of China''s finance and insurance market, insurance premium income and insurance density multiplied insurance becoming hot spots and consumption trend of financial management. But for now just our personal finance and insurance business in the early stage of development, life-cycle finance theory and its application in finance and insurance business also less, whether insurance financing business of supply, or is the demand side, are not very good application life-cycle finance theory to guide insurance financing business.
This article based on the personal finance research in terms of finance and insurance, to financial theory as the theory of the life cycle support, combined with personal finance and insurance companies in China and the found problems in personal finance and insurance business, and related countermeasures against the problem. Focus of this study is to look at insurance market supply and demand of both the actual behavior is consistent with the fiscal theory of the life cycle.
This article is divided into six chapters, reference large amounts of data and information, the use of comparative analysis, by means of a normative analysis on China''s current situation of personal finance and insurance conducted an in-depth and careful study.
Chapter I introduction to explain the background and significance in choosing paper, present situation of research on this topic, papers in thinking and lack of innovation and research methods, articles.
Chapter II describes the life cycle theory of financial management, development and evaluation; relationship between finance and insurance and personal finance life cycle principle of General of Division and corresponds to the insurance plan.
Chapter III analyses the emergence and development of personal finance and insurance business in China, from the two parties of supply and demand analysis of current situation of personal finance and insurance business, determine whether the actual behavior of the two parties consistent with the fiscal theory of the life cycle, supply side and demand side for insurance finance activities reflects the life-cycle thinking in the process, but is not fully applied in the actual operation of this theory.
Fourth chapter combined with chapter II of the basic theory and chapter III analysis of results of China''s financial problems in the business of insurance. Supply has no breakdown of target customers by life cycle theory, providing insurance financing business of homogeneity; demand side weak insurance awareness, not deeply understand the life cycle of their insurance needs, to insurance plans.
On the fifth chapter for suggestions related to the issues raised in chapter, using life-cycle finance theory to guide both supply and demand of insurance financing. Supply-side strengthening communication with customers, understand their life cycle and insurance requirements, provide life cycle differences of financing business. Demand-side learning through training-related life cycle theory of finance and insurance financial knowledge identify their insurance needs, to buy the right insurance product.
Sixth chapter is conclusions and prospects. Summary articles of research results and later want to further study the issues raised.
Keywords: personal financial planning; insurance financial planning; Life-cycle finance theory
摘要 I
Abstract III
目录 V
第一章 导论 1
第一节 选题背景及研究意义 1
一、选题背景 1
二、研究意义 1
第二节 国内外研究现状 2
一、国外研究现状 2
二、国内研究现状 5
第三节 研究思路与研究方法 7
一、研究思路 7
二、研究方法 9
第四节 文章创新与不足 9
一、本文的创新点 9
二、本文不足 9
第二章 生命周期理财理论与保险理财的理论基础 10
第一节 生命周期理财理论的理论基础 10
一、生命周期理财理论的产生 10
二、生命周期理财理论的发展 10
三、生命周期理财理论评价 11
第二节 保险理财的理论基础 12
一、保险理财的概念 12
二、保险理财与个人理财的关系 12
第三节 生命周期的一般划分及保险理财原理 15
一、生命周期的一般划分 15
二、不同生命周期的个人保险理财原理 17
第三章 我国个人保险理财业务的现状分析 24
第一节 我国个人保险理财业务的产生与发展 24
一、我国个人保险理财业务产生的条件 24
二、我国个人保险理财业务发展情况 25
第二节 我国个人保险理财业务的供需现状分析 28
一、我国个人保险理财业务供给现状分析 28
二、我国个人保险理财业务需求现状分析 33
第四章 我国个人保险理财业务存在问题及原因 38
第一节 我国个人保险理财业务供给方存在问题及原因 38
一、提供保险理财业务以保险营销员为主 38
二、市场细分不充分 38
三、保险产品存在同质性 39
第二节 我国个人保险理财业务需求方存在问题及原因 40
一、居民保险意识淡薄 40
二、投保类型单一 41
三、居民对保险理财功能认识存在误区 41
第五章 以生命周期理财理论指导个人保险理财业务 42
第一节 以生命周期理财理论指导供给方 42
一、拓展保险理财业务服务渠道 42
二、按生命周期细分目标客户开发潜在市场 42
三、按不同生命周期的不同需求创新保险产品 43
第二节 以生命周期理财理论指导需求方 44
一、在不断增强居民保险意识前提下扩大保险需求 44
二、根据生命周期科学引导保险需求者购买保险 45
三、强化保险需求者正确认识保险理财功能 46
第六章 结论与展望 47
第一节 结论 47
第二节 展望 47
参考文献 49
致谢 52