论文编号:JR091 有开题报告,外文翻译,任务书和所有过程材料,论文字数:18138,页数:33
Study on the Correlation between the Development of Tertiary Industry and Economic Growth in Shaanxi
Since reform and opening up, the tertiary industry in Shaanxi Province has developed rapidly , playing a great role in promoting economic growth. However, at present, the tertiary industry in Shaanxi Province still exists many inadequacies, which has severely restricted the further growth of the economy in Shaanxi. Against this background, the paper first launched the development of the tertiary industry and economic growth process in Shaanxi Province; furthermore, using quantitative analysis methods, the paper examined the relationship between development of tertiary industry and the economic growth in Shaanxi Province then of the relationship between the structure of the third industries and economic growth; finally ,to promote benign interaction between the development of tertiary industry and economic growth in Shaanxi ,there are some policy recommendations. Therefore, this paper has strong practical significance and a reference.
Key words: Shaanxi economic growth; the development of tertiary industry; Granger causality test; multiple regression model
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究综述 2
1.2.1国外研究成果 2
1.2.2国内研究概况 2
1.3研究思路及主要内容 3
1.4研究方法与创新 5
1.4.1研究方法 5
1.4.2本文的创新 5
1.5相关概念界定及理论简述 5
1.5.1经济增长的概念 5
1.5.2第三产业的概念及分类 5
1.5.3经济增长理论概要 6
2 陕西省经济增长与第三产业发展的现状分析 8
2.1陕西经济增长的统计分析及特征 8
2.1.1陕西经济增长的总量分析 8
2.1.2陕西经济增长的结构分析 8
2.1.3陕西经济增长的特征归纳 11
2.2陕西第三产业发展的统计分析及特征 12
2.2.1陕西第三产业总量分析 12
2.2.2陕西省第三产业结构分析 14
2.2.3陕西第三产业特征归纳 15
3 陕西省第三产业与经济增长相关性的实证分析 16
3.1实证分析思路、模型与指标说明 16
3.1.1实证分析思路、模型选用 16
3.1.2相关指标选用、数据来源 16
3.2 协整关系检验 16
3.2.1协整分析的理论与方法 16
3.2.2检验变量序列的平稳性 17
3.2.3 VAR模型检验 18
3.2.4 Granger因果关系检验 19
3.3陕西省第三产业与经济增长的回归分析 20
3.4陕西省第三产业内部结构与经济增长的回归分析 21
3.5实证分析结论小结 22
4 陕西第三产业制约经济增长的问题及相关政策建议 23
4.1陕西第三产业制约经济增长的问题 23
4.2促进陕西第三产业与经济增长良性互动的政策建议 24
5结论 26
5.1主要结论 26
5.2不足之处 26
致谢 27
参考文献 27