论文编号:LY075 论文字数:12485,页数:19 附外文翻译
摘 要
关键词:节庆旅游;旅游文化 发展对策
Festival tourism associated with its powerful impetus function got governments around the world attention and support, the city of Changzhi also held many activities, although the festival has obtained many achievements, but most tourism festival activities situation very unsatisfactory, some even face suspension of danger, so studying how to better promote Changzhi tourism festival activities development for the local economy so that its make greater contribution has the extremely vital significance. This paper uses the literature methodology, on-the-spot investigation method commonly used research method, this paper analyzes the development of Changzhi the superiority of festival tourism and the existence question . And on this basis, proposed to develop tourism festival of changzhi city proposal, changzhi city should intensify development dynamics, exert all the advantages, avoid deficiencies, to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges. Thus fast impetus changzhi city tourism development, promote the rapid development of economy
Keywords:Tourism Festival Activities; Tourism Culture ;Development Countermeasures
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
目录 Ⅲ
一、 绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究方法 2
二、 节庆旅游开发理论基础 2
(一)旅游节的作用 2
(二)旅游节的策划和开发 3
(三)旅游节的开发原则 4
三、长治市节庆旅游发展现状 5
四、 长治市旅游节庆活动发展的优势 6
(一)丰富的旅游资源成为旅游节庆活动的依托 6
(二)深厚的文化底蕴 为旅游节庆活动提供文化内涵 7
(三)悠久的节庆历史保证长治旅游节庆的可持续发展 7
五、长治市旅游节庆活动发展过程中存在的问题 7
(一)经济较为落后,交通欠发达 8
(二)节庆活动配套设施不完善 8
(三) 运作模式不科学,市场化程度不高 9
(四)节庆旅游专业人才缺乏 9
(五) 缺乏科学营销,品牌效应不强 9
(六) 开发力度不够 10
六、长治市旅游节庆活动发展对策 10
(一)进一步发挥现有优势,把握良好机遇 10
(二) 规避和弥补劣势,勇于迎接挑战 11
七、结论 13
参考文献 15
附录1 16