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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/09/26


论文编号:LY007   论文字数:9139,页数:15  有开题报告



Nowadays, people’s consumption level and consumption attitudes have reached the high level. People pursue relaxing the soul, advocate the healthy life, and look for the fresh things. The festival activities of the hotels are changeable because the festival is changing. The thesis firstly explains the principle and important points of the festival activities plan, and then states that hotel festival activities are necessary to the operation of the hotels. Secondly, the thesis sums up if the hotel wants to plan a wonderful festival activity, it must do a perfect marketing, which is create a good activity from the customers’ point of view, know about the customer need, reduce the costs, offer convenience, and evaluate the planning by communicating with the customers. At last, the thesis researches the relation between the festival brand and the hotel brand, and states that good brand marketing helps the hotel brand become stronger, and make the imagination of the hotel better.

Key words: Hotel    Event    Plan    Marketing    Brand image

1  导言 2
1.1  写作目的 2
1.2  相关研究现状 3
1.3  研究方法 4
1.4  创新点与进一步展开的研究 4
2  饭店节庆策划概念解析 4
2.1  节庆的含义 4
2.2 饭店节庆 5
3  饭店节庆活动的重要性 5
3.1  个性化的节庆活动令饭店独具魅力 5
3.2 完美的节庆活动给饭店带来长期效益 6
3.3  创新的节庆活动满足消费者需求 7
3.4 完整的节庆活动塑造著名品牌 7
3.5 节庆活动有利于传承传统文化 8
4  饭店节庆活动营销新观念 9
4.1 消费者需求从物质上升到精神体验 9
4.2 消费者购买力日益提升 11
4.3 “主随客便”成为消费者的消费原则 11
4.4 让消费者来评估饭店节庆活动 12
5 饭店节庆品牌形象 12
5.1 传达文化,延续风俗 12
5.2 创造节日,塑造品牌 13
5.3 选择色彩,稳固形象 13
6 结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16

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