论文编号:LY033 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:8778,页数:12
关键词:旅行社; 旅游广告; 广告创意; 品牌营销
Abstract: Nowadays, tourism is growing high-speedy day by day, while the competition among the tourist enterprises is hotter and hotter. Tourist advertisement is considered to be an important means of attracting consumers and opening market. As a case study in Hangzhou, through advertisements of travel on National Day, this paper analyses the current problems in tourism advertisements from the view of manifestation, content and timeliness. It also gives the specific advices on how to solve these problems.
Key words:tourism enterprise; tourist advertisement; advertising creativity; brand marketing
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、引言 2
(一)基本概念的界定: 2
(二)旅游广告投入的重要性及其研究现状分析 3
二、统计与浅析 4
三、意见与建议 7
(一)加强宣传意识,抓住合理的广告时段进行“周期”投入 7
(二)进行广告定位和品牌营销 8
1、重视旅游市场调查分析 8
2、走差异化产品设计路线 9
3、发掘和宣传自身的竞争优势 9
(三)重视产品创新和广告创意 9
(四)开展联合营销 10
四、总结 11
参考文献: 11
致谢 12