论文编号:LY026 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:9450,页数:08
Abstract: Colleges and universities as a special tourism market of the market is very potential market. In this paper, a sample survey method, Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou tourism market characteristics of students and analysis of the status quo, using the theory of marketing knowledge, to explore the market potential and growth, so as to better develop tourism enterprises tourism students market to provide a reliable basis for real, but also to increase the new bright spot in China''''s tourism industry and make a positive contribution.
Keyword: Xiasha Higher Education Zone; universities studengts’ tourism market; Marketing
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一.前言 2
二.下沙大学生旅游市场开发现状分析 2
(一)下沙大学生旅游市场开发处于初始阶段 2
(二)下沙大学生旅游开发形式单调 2
(三)下沙大学生旅游市场的秩序混乱 3
三.下沙大学生旅游市场特性分析 3
(一)市场规模大 3
(二)消费能力提高 3
(三)消费观念独特新颖,容易接受新生事物 3
(四)旅游动机明确 4
(五)大学生市场的周期性和差异性 4
(六)大学生旅游产品物美价廉 4
四.下沙大学生旅游市场营销的4C策略 4
五. 下沙高校旅游市场营销的4R策略 5
六.下沙高校旅游市场营销的4P策略 6
结 论 7
参考文献 8