论文编号:LY058 附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文释文, 论文字数:11109,页数:10
摘要:近年来,我国出境旅游出现了一股热潮,社会给予了极大的关注。但是,随着出境旅游者人数的日益增多,他们在旅外途中做出“不文明”行为的现象也越来越频繁。文中对我国出境旅游者的不文明旅游行为的表现和影响、产生的原因、解决的方法等进行初步探讨, 给解决这种社会问题带来一些启发。
Abstract: In recent years,there was an upsurge of out-bound tourism, which community greatly concerned. However, as the increasing number of out-bound tourists, the phenomenon of uncivilized behaviors in their brigade became increasingly frequent. In the text, the author will have an elementary discussion of what are the general uncivilized behaviors exist, what will be the negative affect from it, what will be the reason behind it and what will be countermeasures to improve the Chinese Out-bound tourist behavior. The discussion will help the relative party to find the way to solve these social problems
Key words:out-bound tourism;Uncivilized behaviors; reason; countermeasures
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、引 言 2
二、我国出境旅游者不文明行为的主要表现及其影响 2
(一)我国出境旅游者不文明行为的主要表现 2
(二)我国出境旅游者不文明行为的不良影响 3
三、我国出境旅游者不文明行为产生的原因分析 4
(一)不文明行为产生的心理原因 4
(二)不文明行为产生的社会原因 5
四、提升我国公民旅游文明素养的对策和建议 6
(一)公民自身加强学习,提高心理与文化素养 6
(二)旅游企业要承担起教育引导游客的职责, 7
(三)政府管理部门要加强国民道德素质教育,建立并完善长效管理机制 7
五、结束语 9
参考文献 9
谢辞 10