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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JX1801  论文字数:18771,附CAD图纸,开题报告 外文翻译

600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="" width="278" height="227" border="0" title="汽车卧铺盖板拉延模设计" />

摘  要
 本次设计做的是汽车车身覆盖件冲压模设计中的第一序拉延模的设计。汽车模具在中国因为发展的时间比较短所以在很多方面现在比起一些机械工业发达的国家还有很大的差距。但我国近年来在汽车模具方面也取得不少的发展与进步。本次设计我做的是汽车盖板的拉延模设计。在模具设计中主要是根据设计好的板件来用UG软件进行三维造型设计来完成模具的结构设计然后进行模具加工调试来最终生产出合格的模具。在三维造型方面主要可以分为压边圈设计、上模设计、凸模设计和下模本体设计。在进行各部分设计时要严格按照模具结构设计规范来进行设计。     汽车卧铺盖板拉延模设计                  
关键词:汽车模具  UG  拉延模  设计标准


 The design do is auto body panel stamping die design sequence in the first drawing die design. Automotive die in China due to the development of a comparatively short time it is in many ways than some mechanical industrial developed countries there is a great gap. However, in recent years, China has also made the car a lot of mold development and progress. The design of the car I did the cover drawing die design. In the die design are mainly based on panels designed to use the UG software design to complete the three-dimensional structure of the mold and then mold design to final production of qualified commissioning of the mold. Main aspects of three-dimensional modeling can be divided into the blank holder design, the mold design, design and lower die punch body design. During the design of various parts of the structure to be in strict accordance with design specifications to the mold design.

In this design I strictly in accordance with design standards for stamping die mold design, including technical specifications are part of the internal specification. After repeated checking of the design found no major flaws, in full compliance with the mold design.
Keywords: car mold   drawing die   design standards   UG



前  言 1
1 设计前的准备工作 5
1.1 技术协议 5
1.1.1模具的材料及热处理 5
1.1.2、 模具结构 5
1.1.3. 工艺、设计、制造要求 7
1.2 查看工法图 8
1.3查验对比 9
1.4结构选择 9
1.5材质选择 9
2处理数模及分模线 17
2.1片体缝合 17
2.2拉伸实体 17
2.3设计凸模退刀面 18
2.4设计凸模主筋 19
2.5压边圈退刀面的设计 19
2.6压边圈主筋的设计 20
2.7确定压边圈导向 20
2.8导滑面的设计 21
2.9导板数量的确定 21
3压边圈的设计 24
3.1压边圈强度 24
3.2压边圈压力确定 25
3.2压边圈让位及补强 26
3.3气顶杆的设计 27
3.4压边圈镶块设计 28
3.5调压垫块与墩死垫块的设计 28
3.6弹顶销的设计 30
4上模的设计 31
4.1上模型面及主筋 31
4.2上模法兰面和辅筋 31
4.3上模调压凸台的设计 31
4.4上模起吊和反转结构的设计 32
4.5压板槽的设计 32
4.6导腿的设计 32
4.7安全平台的设计 32
4.8设计中心键槽及压板槽加强筋 33
4.9上模弹顶销的设计 33
4.10设计减轻空、流水孔及排气孔 33
4.11定位板地设计 34
5下模的设计 41
5.1下模座的设计 42
5.2设计墩死垫块 42
5.3设计凸模安装固定法兰 43
5.4设计安全螺钉 43
5.5设计安全护板 44
5.6运输连接的设计 44
5.7导柱导向设计 44
5.8下模导板窥视孔的设计 44
5.9设计完成 45
致  谢 46
参考文献 47

  • 下一篇资讯: 汽车轮帽的注射模设计
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