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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JX1688  论文字数:8159.页数:34 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,答辩PPT,CAD图,UG三维图

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Rounded lid plastic mold design

 [Abstract] This topic is the main research rounded lid plastic mold design, this dome material is the ABS, ABS (propylene clear of styrene butadiene- commonly terpolymer) is used in industrial production of materials. Through to the plastic parts for process analysis and comparison, the final five is the design of board type mould structure. The subject from specific die structure design of the mould pouring system, the structure of its molding part, demoulding mechanism, cooling system, exhaust systems, the injection molding machine the choice of a detailed design. This topic is the main task of the design of the die casting die forming part of the system, the design of the structure, the structural design of the other in the standard series or experience data choice, finally complete set of mould design. Through the whole design process, and train our comprehensive consideration of the problems.
 [Key word] Plastic mould; Rounded lid; ABS.
 目 录

毕业设计(论文)任务书 Ⅰ
开题报告 Ⅱ
中文摘要 Ⅵ
外文摘要 Ⅶ
前言 1
1 塑件的工艺性分析 4
1.1 塑件的原材料分析: 4
1.2 塑件的结构工艺性分析: 4
1.3 塑件表面质量分析: 4
1.4 塑件的尺寸精度分析: 5
1.5 塑件的成型工艺参数确定: 5
2 成型设备的初步选用 6
3 模具的基本结构设计 7
3.1 确定成型方法 7
3.2 型腔布置 7
3.3 分型面的确定 7
3.4 浇注系统的设计 9
3.5 浇口的形式选择和设计 …10
3.6 确定推出方式 ..12
4 注射模设计尺寸计算 .13
4.1 成型零部件的尺寸计算 13
4.2 模具导向机构的设计 14
4.3 顶出脱模机构的设计 15
4.4 冷却、加热系统设计 17
4.5 排气系统的设计 18
4.6 模板的设计 18
5 注射机有关参数的校核 20
5.1 模具闭合高度的确定 20
5.2 模具安装部分的校核 20
5.3 模具开模行程校核 20
6 模具的工作原理及特点 21
参考文献 23
致谢 24
附图 25

  • 上一篇资讯: 旋钮塑料模具设计
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