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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY041 论文字数:32397,页数:34 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


A Study of the Marketing Strategy of <The Founding of a Republic>
 ABSTRACT: This paper made the film "Founding of the Republic" as a case of marketing, from a marketing point of view of the film in-depth analysis. Combination of "Founding of the Republic" marketing practices, respectively, from the film''s marketing system, marketing, marketing strategy thinking how the marketing of the film layers of analysis. Marketing system is a "body" is the cornerstone of marketing materials and marketing systems analysis, including the film''s marketing system on the composition and profitability analysis model; marketing idea is the "soul" is the ideological guide marketing strategy, marketing ideas mainly film analysis of integrated marketing communication model; marketing strategy is a combination of marketing systems and marketing ideas to form marketing mindset is the "body" and "soul" final "shape", "Founding of the Republic" the most successful brand marketing strategy marketing strategy, communication strategy and product development strategy after the film. From the "Founding of the Republic" marketing strategy analysis, summarized the successful experience of the film. China''s domestic film market with the status quo to do comparison, analysis of the current movie marketing in domestic abuse and lack of control, "Founding of the Republic," a successful marketing strategy, try to find out about the Chinese film market for ways and means.
 Key words: The Founding of a Republic,IMC,Marketing Strategy,Audience,Market
目  录
绪论 1
一 “肌体”——《建国大业》营销系统分析 2
(一) 《建国大业》电影营销系统构成 3
(二)《建国大业》电影营销系统的盈利机制 6
1 票房盈利机制 7
2 电影广告盈利机制 8
3 版权盈利机制 9
4 后期产品开发的盈利机制 10
二 “灵魂”——《建国大业》营销思想研究 12
(一) 电影整合营销的概念 12
1 “ 整合营销”概念 12
2 电影整合营销 12
(二) 电影的整合营销的内容 12
1 以消费者为中心 12
2 构建不同消费群的“资料库” 13
3 “营销就是传播” 13
4 整合,再整合 14
三 “肌体”与“灵魂”整合“成型”—《建国大业》营销策略分析 15
(一) 《建国大业》的宣传营销策略 15
1 媒体选择提高宣传效率 15
2 联合促销节省宣传成本 16
3 事件营销扩大宣传效益 16
4 活动营销制造轰动效果 17
(二) 《建国大业》的后电影产品营销策略 17
1 营销理论引导后电影产品开发方向 17
2 丰富多彩的开发方式拓展后电影产品开发渠道 18
3 琳琅满目的产品概括了后电影产品开发类型 18
(三) 《建国大业》的品牌营销策略 19
1 电影片名塑造品牌形象 19
2 名人效应扩大品牌影响 20
3 品牌拓展积累品牌效益 20
四 《建国大业》对中国电影营销的启示 22
(一) 国产电影营销现状分析 22
1 营销产业链有待完善 22
2 影片发行急待改善 22
3 品牌营销有待提升 23
4 双向交流机制缺乏 24
(二) 对国产电影营销建议 24
1 重视电影品牌的构建 24
2 建立完善的产业链条 25
3 贯彻“营销大于电影”的理念 26
4 构建良好的双向交流机制 27
致 谢 28
参考文献: 29

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