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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY039 论文字数:20961,页数:26 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


 ABSTRACT: Experiential cultural consumption is combined with cultural consumption and consumer product experience, not only the spirit of cultural consumption characteristics of consumption, also has experience marketing consumer market model. Now more common experience of a culture of consumption include: Experiential consumption of cultural media products, cultural and artistic experiential consumption, experiencing culture and leisure consumption. Development so far, experiencing a variety of cultural consumption characteristics and business model has initially appeared, all classic cases continue to emerge. However, because of its industrial development at a preliminary stage, there are still such as cultural resource protection and development of the game, the developer benefits and risks exist, the limitations of experience means experience problems expected differences. The article''s analysis of these issues, made a number of solutions and the development of countermeasures, to provide green-experience, deep experience, personality experience and government guidance and support, cooperation with other industries and strategic alliances solution. Meanwhile, Experiential Cultural Consumption as a relatively new consumption patterns have broad prospects for development, the article also described the possible variety of trends.
 Key words: Experiential Cultural Consumption, protection and exploitation, benefit and risk, operation mode, development trend

目    录
绪论 1
(一) 研究的背景和意义 1
(二) 研究的基本内容与目的 1
(三) 研究的方法与技术路线 1
1. 理论研究 1
2. 实证研究 2
一、 体验式文化消费概述 2
(一) 体验式消费的历史发展 2
(二) 体验式文化消费的发展与定义 2
(三) 体验式文化消费的类别 3
二、 体验式文化消费的发展现状及特点评析 4
(一) 体验式文化消费的发展现状 4
(二) 体验式文化消费的类别及其特点 8
1. 体验式文化传媒产品消费 8
2. 体验式文化艺术消费 9
3. 体验式文化休闲消费 9
(三) 体验式文化消费的模式及其特点 9
(四) 典型案例分析 10
1. ERA时空之旅的梦幻体验 10
2. 乌镇江南水乡狂欢节 11
三、 体验式文化消费存在的问题及原因分析 11
(一) 体验内容中开发和保护的博弈 11
(二) 体验提供者的风险和收益并存 12
(三) 体验方式的试水与突破 13
(四) 体验效果的预期和现实差异 13
四、 体验式文化消费的发展对策 14
(一) 绿色体验 14
(二) 深度体验 15
(三) 个性体验 15
(四) 政策支持,消费引导 16
(五) 行业合作,战略联盟 17
五、 体验式文化消费的发展趋势 17
(一) 规模效应的逐步显现 17
(二) 新模式的层出不穷 17
(三) 概念的推广:商品的文化消费体验 18
致谢 20
参考文献 21

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