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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY042 论文字数:12909,页数:19 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


 Abstract: Cultural industries include a summary of modern capitalism to meet the consumer entertainment, decoration, self-affirmation, social and exhibition needs of all sectors o the cultural market, have become increasingly global, music, books, crafts, movies and other cultural products and services have taken the national boundaries, resulting in a huge international trade flows, international trade in cultural goods in the global economy began to occupy an important position. Industrial cluster is the emphasized production cluster in geographical space. Porter believes that a particular industry cluster in the area, a group of geographically adjacent, are interrelation of business and related legal institutions, and to each other''s commonalities and complementarities Phase connection. The development of cultural industries tend to have a gathering.     Cultural Industry led the development of the international metropolis, decided the city''s economic prosperity and its level of international competitiveness. This paper attempts to model the cultural industry cluster classification, characteristics and impact on the cultural industry development study to explore the development of cultural industry clusters of basic concepts and characteristics of different development models, and through the Beijing Cultural Industry Cluster study proposes a new understanding and feasible suggestions.    Key words: Cultural industries; industrial clusters; mode research;

绪论 1
一、理论综述 1
(一)产业集群的概念辨析 1
1.集群模式的定义 2
2.集群模式的发展目标 2
3.集群模式的主要类型 3
4.集群模式的发展过程 3
(二)从对集群的认识来对照文化产业集群的核心理论 3
二、文化产业的集群模式 4
(一)主导产业型文化产业集群 4
(二)产品关联型文化产业集群 5
(三)产业地方化、地方专业化文化产业集群 5
三、对于文化产业集群建设需要的五个新的认识(以北京为例) 5
(一)集群现象具有两面性,不是文化产业发展的万灵药 6
(二)集群效能需要主打产业的凝聚力和带动力,内部业务要呈现层级结构 6
(三)集群生态的整体性和业态流程性关乎集群效益趋向 7
(四)集群效应的综合收益和传统生态集群的就业功能值得重新认识 7
(五)集群健康发展的关键是人以及运营管理团队的观念、能力 8
四、对我国文化产业集群发展提出的建议 8
(一)统筹协调好影响文化产业集群发展的各种因素 8
1.核心竞争力模块 9
2.基础竞争力模块 9
3.软环境竞争力模块 9
(二)充分了解制约我国文化产业发展的瓶颈 9
(三)要制定科学完善的文化产业集群发展战略 10
(四)要充分发挥文化产业集群的比较优势 10
(五)要制定超前的文化产业集群发展规划 10
(六)要重视发挥政府的引导作用 11
(七)要加快推进文化体制机制创新 11
五、结论 11
致谢 13
参考文献 13

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