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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY045 论文字数:12413,页数:18 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

 ABSTRACT:Product placement, also known as hidden advertising, traditional advertising is relative dominance, product placement can be implanted into the TV series, movies, stage plays, parties, games magazines, newspapers and all media and even public environment, paid by the advertisers, then by planning to make advertising and integration of these targets are implanted so that the audience did not realize or unobtrusive in the case, its transmission products, brand symbols and other information to advertisers to reach the desired effect. In traditional Chinese advertising market has shrunk significantly speed the development of today''s product placement was on the rise, with its relatively low cost and good results are advertisers of all ages. In the television advertising market, a successful product placement cases, need to meet a star effect, the depth of implantation, implant localization, target your audience more accurately the conditions. Undeniably, product placement is not perfect, small range of brands, not suitable for the depth to convince its Mishaps, while China''s market environment, product placement is not perfect, the lack of intermediary professional product placement,lack of pricing standards and also did not form a strong support platform. TV advertising market in the future, to change the traditional broadcast TV industry, production mode, try to "season" for the unit to play produced a drama after all the development of China''s advertising market environment implanted a good choice.
 Key words: product placement; TV advertising market;target audience; “season”

1 绪论 1
1.1植入式广告概述 1
2 中国植入式广告市场概述 1
2.1植入式广告在电视媒体中兴起的原因 1
 2.1.1电视广告市场整体增长放缓 2
 2.1.2传统广告方式面临发展瓶颈 3
 2.1.3其他原因 4
3 植入式广告的分析与展望 5
3.1从《奋斗》中的植入式广告说起 5
 3.1.1明星效应 5
 3.1.2品牌与电视剧的内容与目标受众吻合 5
 3.1.3符合情节,深度植入 6
 3.1.4影片第一,广告第二 6
 3.1.5坚持本土化 7
3.2植入式广告的硬伤 7
 3.2.1品牌适用范围小 8
 3.2.2植入式广告不适合深度说服 8
3.3中国植入式广告市场环境有待发展之处 8
 3.3.1专业植入式广告中介的缺失 8
 3.3.2定价标准缺失 9
 3.3.3中国植入式广告产业链正在形成,但缺乏支持平台 9
3.4植入式广告与中国电视剧产业合作的新模式探讨 10
 3.4.1按“季”播放制作电视剧为植入式广告市场带来的新机遇 10
 3.4.2更高质量的电视剧,更丰富的广告植入机会 10
 3.4.3更精准、更稳定的广告目标受众群 10
 3.4.4更有利于整合植入式广告与线下配套活动 11
4 结论 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14

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