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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/24


论文编号:HL137  论文字数:10126.页数:25

摘 要
 研究目的  掌握宜昌市三峡大学仁和医院常见恶性肿瘤住院患者对饮食营养知信行的程度,并评估和分析其影响因素,为开展针对性肿瘤病人营养知识的宣传、营养健康教育提供科学依据;在实地观察的基础上对病人及家属提出建议,使病人及家属掌握一定的饮食营养知识并能根据自身情况改变饮食方式,通过饮食调整缓解化、放疗的副反应,提高机体抵抗力及对化、放疗的承受力,从而提高生活质量。
 研究方法  采取问卷调查(自制量化问卷调查表)。发放给宜昌市三峡大学仁和医院2011年至2012年住院期间恶性肿瘤(食管癌、胃癌、直肠癌、肝癌、宫颈癌及卵巢癌)自愿入选的患者,在住院期间分别发放调查问卷,问卷由患者自行填写,确保调查结果的真实性与有效性。当场收回调查问卷。
 研究结果  恶性肿瘤患者对肿瘤护理满意度评价(满意,基本满意,不满意分别占74.2%,22.6%,3.2%);对肿瘤饮食指导信息的需求率为100%,尤其关注治疗期间(手术后及放化疗期间)的饮食指导;对肿瘤饮食指导信息渠道的要求(管床护士指导94.4%,书面形式指导34.2%,讲座形式指导70.2%,肿瘤患者俱乐部形式80.2%,其他形式12.1%)。
 结论  恶性肿瘤患者在住院期间极其需要专业医护人员给予系统化及个体化的饮食指导,护理工作者通过多个信息渠道,全方位的给予恶性肿瘤患者系统化及个体化的饮食指导,可以缓化、放疗的副反应,提高机体抵抗力及对化、放疗的承受力,从而提高生活质量,甚至延长生存时间。
 关键词  恶性肿瘤 治疗饮食 健康指导
 论文类型  研究报告
 Title: Investigation of dietary guidance in patients with malignant tumor

Objectives: In this paper, The grasping of the KAP on nutrition level of the inpatient with common malignant tumors in Renhe Hospital of Three Gorges University in Yichang and their impact factors are studied, in order to provide a scientific basis of targeted promotional nutrition knowledge, nutrition and health education to the patient with common malignant tumors. Give some advises to the patients and their families on the basis of field observations, So that the patients and their families have a certain knowledge of nutrition and can change their diet according to their own health situation. They can increase the body''''s resistance afford ability to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects and improve the quality of life through the ease of dietary modification.
 Methods: Adopt questionnaire(Homemade quantitative questionnaire). Released survey questionnaire to the cancer patients (esophagus, stomach, rectum, liver, cervical and ovarian cancer) enrolled voluntarily in Renhe Hospital of Three Gorges University in Yichang 2011-2012 period of stay to fill out. Make sure the correctness and validity of thire answers and then take back the questionnaire on the spot.
 Results: The results of the satisfaction of oncology nursing by cancer patients (satisfaction, satisfied, dissatisfied accounted for 74.2%, 22.6%, 3.2%); needs of the information on the tumor dietary guidance was 100%, with particular attention the dietary guidance during the treatment (after surgery and during chemotherapy); requirements of the ways and means of the information on cancer diet (94.4% of tube-bed nursing guidance, 34.2% of written guidance, 70.2% of lectures form, 80.2% of the club form of cancer patients, 12.1% of other forms)
 Conclusion: Cancer patients in the hospital desperately needed medical professionals to give a systematic and individualized dietary guidance. Care workers give cancer patients a full range of systematic and individualized dietary guidance through multiple channels of information can help the patients to increase the body''''s resistance afford ability to the chemotherapy and radiotherapy side effects, improve the quality of life and even prolong survival time.
 KEY WORDS: Malignant tumor  Therapeutical diet  Health guidance
 TYPE OF THESIS: Research report
目  录
 致    谢………………………………..……..…………….............13
 附    录……………………………………………………......... .17

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