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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/24


论文编号:HL125  论文字数:10736.页数:22

摘 要
 方法: 根据研究目的制定一般情况调查表。查阅国内外冠心病知识相关资料,编辑冠心病健康教育手册。制定冠心病相关知识问卷,请相关专家对问卷进行初步效度的评价,内容效度系数为0.88,测得信度系数Cronbach’Sa为0.907,根据专家的建议对问卷进行修改后成为正式调查问卷。于2008年9月至20097年1月对2所综合医院心内科冠心病患者进行一般资料和冠心病相关知识问卷调查。针对患者知识缺乏的部分进行针对性的个别指导和发放教育手册相结合的方式进行健康知识教育干预。1周后,采用相同的冠心病相关知识问卷对患者进行再次调查。
 关 键 词  冠心病,健康教育
 Title: Evaluation of effectiveness of education intervention oninpatients with coronary heartdisease
 Objectives: TO investigate the CHD-related knowledge level of inPatients: to Probe the role of the education PamPhlets and the Personal edueation.
 Methods: The study,which was used anquasi-exPerimental design,Was conducted at 2 Cardiovascular wards.From SePtember 2008 to January 2009,Purposive samPles of 92 Patients were selected as the subjeets of the study.Instruments used for data eolleetion were c0mPosed of 2 Parts:DemograPhic Data Recording Form(DDRM)and the CHD-related Knowledge Scale.Data were collected before and after the Personal sPeeified edueation.DeseriPtive analysis,chi-square test,two-samPle t-test,analysis of variance(ANOVA),Wilcoxon rank sum test,Paired t-test and rePeated measurement ANOVA were Perfomed using with the Statistieal Package for Social Seience(SPSS)13.0.
 Results: 1.) Before intervention in patients with coronary heart disease-related knowledge, somehow divided into 0.60 ± 0.17 (out of 1), the patient''''s medication knowledge score was the lowest average of 0.20 ± 0.20, the highest secondary prevention knowledge score, with an average of 0.85 ± 0.15 . 2.) Level of knowledge of patient factors with coronary heart disease in patients with education level and economic level, level of knowledge not found in patients with coronary heart disease by age, sex, eating habits, activity habits, frequency of hospitalization, hospitalization for coronary heart disease, weight index, abdominal circumference, marital status, smoking related. 3.) Patients receiving individual health education knowledge score was 0.71 after the 0.14 persons, compared with before intervention had significant growth.
 Conclusion:Patients hospitalized for coronary heart disease health education plus individualized health education manual payment method can significantly improve the level of knowledge in patients with coronary heart disease, especially drug-related knowledge. Nurses need to CAD patients of the original level of knowledge and culture and carry out individualized health education.
 KEY WORDS: Coronary heart disease, health education
 TYPE OF THESIS: Applied  Research

目  录
1 绪论 9
 1.1背景及意义………………………………………………………………………… 1
2研究设计 13
2.1研究对象 5
2.2一般资料 5
3 结果 17
4讨论 21
5推论及建议 23
5.1推论 …..23
 5.2建议  23
致    谢 25
参考文献 27

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