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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/24


论文编号:HL178  论文字数:9729.页数:22

题 目:护士化疗药物防护知识知晓情况的调查
摘 要

 Title: The survey report about protection against catatonic drugs of nurses
 Objective: To investigate the situation and influence factor of chemotherapeutic self-protection among nurses in order to improve self-protection and provide evidence of continuing education on BSC.
 Methods: A self-designed and modified by oncology specialist questionnaire on the basis of reviewing a great many of documental was used.25 preliminary test was under taken. The questionnaire wad tested by Spss11.0 with reliability of 0.729. 100 nurses who touched chemotherapeutic from oncology, internal medicine and surgical ward was investigated. The result was put into computer, analyzed by Spss11.0.
 Results: The level of nurses’ knowledge and behavior of chemotherapy protection was not high. Besides the unsoundness of the system and the lack of the chemotherapy protection instrument, the deficiency of necessary professional safety education is the main reason which resulted the low awareness. It is necessary to enhance the education about chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge for nurses to improve the behavior of protection.
 Conclusions: The chemotherapeutic self-protection knowledge is still insufficiency and the behavior of protection is not standard. The preparation of the chemotherapeutic is still managed dispersedly. It is essential to enhance education, establish protection rules so as to protection rules so to protect the health of the nurse.

 Keywords: nurses, catatonic drugs, occupational protection, chemotherapy protection knowledge
Type of dissertation: application research report

目 录

1..前言 -9
1.1背景及意义 - 9
1.2研究目的及目标 -10
1.3关键词及定义 -10
1.3.1护士 -10
1.3. 2化疗药 -10
1.3.3职业 -11
1.3.4 化疗防护知识 12
1.4文献回顾 - 12
1.4.1 护士吸收细胞毒性药物的主要途径 13
 1.4.2 细胞毒性药物对职业接触者健康的影响 15
1.4.3 国内外胞毒性药物职业安全防护情况 15
2 .研究方法 -15
2.1 研究设计 -15
2.2 研究对象 - 15
2.3 研究方法 -15
2.4 研究工具 15
2.5 资料分析 - 16
3.结果 - 17
3.1 一般资料 - 17
3.2护士了解化疗药物对正常人体影响情况 -17
3.3护士了解化疗药物防护知识的情况 - 17
4. 讨论 - 20
4.1 临床护士的调查结果分析 - 20
4.1.1 护士对配置细胞毒性药物防护措施不重视 - 20
4.1.2 临床科室防护条件不齐全 - 20
4.1.3 加强防护教育,提高慎独精神 - 20
4.1.4 人员素质培养措施 -21
5.结论 -22
6.参考文献 - 23

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