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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/20


论文编号:HG010  字数:17463,页数:53

   摘    要


In PX plant, the isomerization radial reactor is one of the key equipments. Because of the ratio of the hydrogen and oil is as high as 4.8~5 in isomerization reactor and the efficiency of the transformation is lower. Hydrogen and unreacted C8 goes to the reactor circularly and cause the system high pressure loss, so it is critical to reduce the energy consume and the radial flow reactor is used by the most of the manufacturers.In the system control engineering to the isomerization reactor in the PX plant,the parameters of T,P,L and Q are automatic measured and controlled.From that,the ratio of the hydrogen and oil can be increased,the quality and output of the production can be enhanced so that to achieve the goal of boosting the productivity and reduce the energy consumption.
The development to the radial reactor is very important not only to the reactor domestic manufacturers but also to the process reactors development and engineering enlarged .
This design is the engineering of the instrumentation system to the reactor in PX Plant in which there are 4 single loop control, 2 cascade control and all the controllers and control valves are selected and calculated carefully to the system, the CENTUM control system (produced by YOKOGAWA) will be used .In order to reduce the disturbance to the purity of the materials , it needs to control the Flow, Temperature and Pressure of the reacted materials according to the requirements of the production plan and reasonable reaction and keep the production in steady operation. And pay much more attention to the reactor and adjustment based on the composition of the materials and keep the products in good qualification and protection to the catalysis.

Keywords: Isomerization;Reactor;control system;Distributed Control System
目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
第1章 引言 1
第2章 装置简介 2
2.1反应器介绍 2
2.2产品分离器介绍 2
2.3 其他相关装置介绍 3
2.4 工艺流程 4
2.4.1 工艺原理的简述 4
2.4.2 二甲苯的同分异构化 5
2.4.3 乙苯的转换 5
2.4.4 其它的反应 5
2.4.5 Isomar I—300催化剂 6
第3章 所用系统介绍 7
3.1 DCS系统 7
3.1.1 DCS系统简介 7
3.2 CS-1000系统 10
3.2.1系统概述 10
3.2.2系统特点 12
第4章 系统控制方案的设计 13
4.1设计思路 13
4.1.1加热炉(F-761)出口温度的控制 13
4.1.2高分罐D-762液位的控制 15
4.1.3油品C8的进料流量控制 16
4.1.4 分离罐罐内压力与出罐流量串级控制 18
第5章 控制方案的实施 20
5.1控制方案的实施 20
5.1.1 I/O模件箱 20
5.1.2 I/O模件 20
5.1.3输入输出(I/O)连接方法 20
5.2组态图 21
5.2.1加热炉F761出口温度控制组态图 21
5.2.2高分罐D762底部液位控制组态图 22
5.2.3 C8进料流量控制组态图 22
5.2.4 分程控制系统组态图 23
第6章 仪表的选型 24
6.1 调节阀的选择 24
6.1.1 控制阀口径大小的选择 24
6.1.2 控制阀开、闭形式的选择 24
6.1.3 控制阀流量特性的选择 25
6.1.4 控制阀结构形式的选择 25
6.1.5 阀门定位器的选用 26
6.2 仪表选型的原则 26
6.2.1 温度仪表的选择 26
6.2.2 液位仪表的选择 29
6.2.3 流量仪表的选择 31
6.2.4 压力仪表的选择 33
第7章 计算 35
7.1 节流件的计算 35
7.1.1 已知条件 35
7.1.2 辅助计算 35
7.1.3 计算 37
7.2 控制阀口径的计算 40
第8章 控制系统的投运与整定 42
8.1单回路控制系统的工程整定方法 42
8.2 串级控制系统的整定方法 43
第9章 结论 44
参 考 文 献 45
致    谢 46
附    录 47

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