论文编号:HG056 论文字数:10032,页数:26
摘 要:在超声波作用下,从茯苓中提取茯苓多糖,研究了碱浓度、提取时间及料液比等对茯苓多糖提取的影响。采用Haworth法制备甲基茯苓多糖,用红外光谱分析对其结构进行了表征,通过体外胆酸结合能力的测定表明,甲基化后茯苓多糖胆酸的结合能力比茯苓多糖有所下降。
Study on the Extraction and Methylation of Pachymaran
Abstract: With the assistance of ultrasound, polysaccharide was extracted from poria cocos wolf and the extraction technologies such as concentration of NaOH, extraction time and the ratio of material to liquid, etc were studied. The methyl pachymaran was prepared using Haworth method and the derivative was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. In vitro bile acid binding activity of methyl pachymaran was examined, showing lower than native glucan.
Keywords:Pachymaran; Methylation;Bile acid binding capacity
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1茯苓的简介 1
1.2茯苓多糖及甲基化茯苓多糖的结构、性质及功用 1
1.3超声波在提取生物活性物中的作用 2
1.4茯苓多糖目前的提取方法进展 4
1.5目前多糖的甲基化进展 4
1.6实验思路.................................................... 5
2.实验部分 7
2.1材料与主要仪器设备 7
2.1.1实验试剂 7
2.1.2实验设备 7
2.2茯苓多糖提取的实验方法 7
2.3茯苓多糖的甲基化 8
2.4胆酸结合能力试验 9
3.结果与讨论 10
3.1波长的选择 10
3.2标准曲线的制作 10
3.3单因素分析 11
3.4茯苓多糖的提取率 14
3.5甲基化茯苓多糖的产率 14
3.6甲基化茯苓多糖的取代度..................................... 14
3.7茯苓多糖及甲基茯苓多糖的红外图谱........................... 15
3.8胆酸结合能力的评价......................................... 16
4. 结论与展望 17
4.1结论 17
4.2展望 17
致谢 19
参考文献 20